• SOTY Trip 2019 "Up in Smoookes!" Video

    SOTY Trip 2019 "Up in Smoookes!" Video
    Pure carnage in every clip, Milton burns through his victory lap in OZ with GT, Kremer, O’Grady, Eze, Lopez, Figgy, Provost, Omar and Remillard. Buck up and bear witness to an all-time SOTY-trip squad.
  • SOTY Trip 2019 "Up In Smoookes!" Article

    SOTY Trip 2019 "Up In Smoookes!" Article
    Gambling on going to Oz while it was ablaze, Milton’s crew cashed out with some killer photos, sketchy tattoos and a few Hall of Meat entries. Heavy revs and helpful tips for stoking the trip fire, check the record from our May 2020 issue.
  • Creature's Euro Bonanza Outtakes | Kevin Bækkel

    Creature's Euro Bonanza Outtakes | Kevin Bækkel
    Blazing every bank and bar in his path, Bækkel came out strong for Creature. Catch the fresh-faced maniac making a splash on their 2015 tour.
  • Emerica's "Green" Video

    Emerica's "Green" Video
    Continuing their already impressive legacy, Emerica strikes gold again with Green. Dakota pushes his rail game to new limits and Dickson rips every set and bank to shreds like a rabid wolverine while the rest of the team fills out a killer montage. This is canon.
  • Emerica's "Green" Premiere Photos

    Emerica's "Green" Premiere Photos
    The Emerica team got dolled up in Long Beach to show off their new video, Green, along with a one-off all-gold Dickson. See who made it out in their cleanest flannel for the good times, good friends and great skating.
  • SOTY Party 2019 Photos

    SOTY Party 2019 Photos
    Unless you’ve been living underneath a rotting mini ramp in the woods, you undoubtedly already know that Milton Martinez is our 2019 Skater of the Year. We celebrated his win this past Friday with a bangin'-ass party in The City by the Bay.
  • "You Good?" Premiere Photos

    "You Good?" Premiere Photos
    All the good homies came out to watch Foy, Zion and Midler go absolutely buck in Red Bull’s new vid: You Good? Free vodka and Red Bulls all night? Damn right there was a crowd!
  • Who should be the 2019 Skater of the Year?

    Who should be the 2019 Skater of the Year?
    You know what time it is! Here are the contenders for SOTY 2019. Now cast your vote!
  • Rough Cut: Kevin Baekkel's "Higher Power" Part

    Rough Cut: Kevin Baekkel's "Higher Power" Part
    Bækkel barges at mach speed, takes heavy hits, and not even a priest can spoil his pursuit of a hammer. Enjoy these 30 minutes of beast mode skating.
  • Kevin Baekkel's "Higher Power" Part

    Kevin Baekkel's "Higher Power" Part
    A savage Norwegian metal soundtrack is the perfect pairing for an absolute lunatic on urethane. Baekkel is out for blood. Get the hell out of his way.