Junk Drawer
Lifeblood's "Service for the Sick" Video
If you like surprises you're gonna love this. There's no guessing what you're going to see from one clip to the next. These guys skate EVERYTHING and this is a full video that truly rips. -
Skatepark Round-Up: Enjoi
Their chemistry has been described many times before, but once again here's enjoi's kick-ass formula of having a laugh and going psycho. Here's Louie, Blue, Weiger, Miika, Cairo, Caswell, Zack, Jose, and Nestor. -
Hall of Meat: Louie Barletta
He has a blast skating and does fun tricks, but anyone who has seen a Louie part knows he gets buck, too. This one didn't work out. -
Gavin Nolan Interview
Check out this interview with the East Coast technician where he talks about filming this Welcome to Zoo York clip and what's next. -
Santa Cruz in Brazil
Emmanuel Guzman, Eric Dressen, Josh Borden, Justin Strubing, and Milton Martinez rip Brazil in this edit from Santa Cruz. -
Dan Plunkett Knows
Thunder just dropped a new video with Dan Plunkett for the release of their collab with Huf. -
"Giddy Up" Full Part
Seinfeld is the greatest sitcom of all-time. That's all there is to say. Now go ahead and watch Kramer and George stumble around the streets. -
Ken Takayama's "Our Nature" Part
Nothing looks easy to skate in the Northwest. Ken attacks with speed and power, putting together an impressing video part. It even includes a couple tricks you probably don't see very often. -
Magnified: David Gonzalez
Skating is so gnarly these days that you have to be careful about making bold claims. Even so, we're comfortable saying this: here is one of the straight-up sickest skate clips of all time. -
Jimmy Carlin Straight Eight
Both a kickflip and heelflip, each one snapped regular, switch, nollie, and fakie. Carlin gets the straight eight.