• Jake Phelps Lifetime Retrospective

    Jake Phelps Lifetime Retrospective
    It’s been a year but the love keeps flowing. We’ve added new testimonials to this retrospective page. Take a few moments and soak up more stories from the life and times of Jake Phelps. 
  • Spitfire's "Forever Fire" Phelper's Last Ride

    Spitfire's "Forever Fire" Phelper's Last Ride
    Phelper took an all-time crew of heavy hitters to Chile in January 2019 for what turned out to be his final HELLRIDE. As he fired up the session, legends like Koston, GT, and Ishod took things to the next level. It’s been a year since his physical form moved on, but the Old Man is STILL WATCHIN.
  • T-Eddy Awards 2019

    T-Eddy Awards 2019
    Everyone’s favorite annual award ceremony is back to celebrate the year’s best breakthroughs and bunts. If you can’t make SOTY, might as well hope for a T-Eddy. See the list and guess who’ll get pissed.
  • Behind The Ad with Grant Taylor

    Behind The Ad with Grant Taylor
    Most can only dream about having a session with a gang this epic. In this Indy video, GT, Milton, Hewitt and Lance take turns tearing apart a backyard beauty, tile by tile. 
  • STILL WATCHIN: Ronnie Sandoval in Ecuador

    STILL WATCHIN: Ronnie Sandoval in Ecuador
    Ronnie "Sandovizzle" remembers his Phelper-fueled noseblunt battle in Ecuador, when Jake, Evan, Raven and GT provided the inspiration he needed to conquer the hectic transfer. Always remember, he’s STILL WATCHIN.
  • Why So Sad? x Actions REALized Premiere Photos

    Why So Sad? x Actions REALized Premiere Photos
    Some of the best people in skating descended on Portland to rally behind Rattray and the fight against mental illness. Check the photos here.
  • "Nothing Meaner" The Dean Lane Story

    "Nothing Meaner" The Dean Lane Story
    With skateparks all around the world, very few have had such an impact on the communities that house them like “Dean Lane”. Check out the documentary Clockwise has put together about it’s history and potentially its future as well.
  • Grant Taylor's 5 Great Frontside Ollies

    Grant Taylor's 5 Great Frontside Ollies
    It's one of the greatest feelings in skating. Hell, it's one of the best thrills in life. Who are some of the all-time classic frontside floaters? It takes one to know one, so we asked Grant to help compile this video and photo feature. 
  • Rough Cut: Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video

    Rough Cut: Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video
    This was one of Jake’s last rides and the mission sure as hell didn’t disappoint. This Oz raw edit is a testament to the eternal stoke of skateboarding. Cherish your time with your homies!
  • Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video

    Independent's "Scabs for Slabs" Video
    Jake at the helm with a gang of heavyweights in tow—this Indy trip to OZ is pure destruction on all levels.