• Classics: Erik Ellington "Misled Youth"

    Classics: Erik Ellington "Misled Youth"
    His lanky frame, that distinct upraised arm style, and those legendary bigspin front boards all came together in this 1999 Zero vid. Mikey Taylor introduces a classic.
  • Classics: Matt Beach, "Can't Stop"

    Classics: Matt Beach, "Can't Stop"
    It's easy to call a skater "underrated," but there's not many overlooked guys who've put out a part like this one. Silas introduces a classic from The Firm's 2003 vid.
  • Classics: Ernie Torres "Roll Forever"

    Classics: Ernie Torres "Roll Forever"
    This 2005 Real vid had a super-heavy squad, and every part stood on its own. Ernie's section was a fan favorite for sure. Ramondetta introduces a classic.
  • Classics: Geoff Rowley "Sorry" 2002

    Classics: Geoff Rowley "Sorry" 2002
    Ryan Decenzo introduces one of the gnarliest parts from one of the gnarliest videos. Geoff Rowley in Sorry.
  • Classics: Marc Johnson "Seven Steps To Heaven"

    Classics: Marc Johnson "Seven Steps To Heaven"
    Jose Rojo introduces one of his many all time favorite parts, It's MJ from Maple's 1996 video "Seven Steps To Heaven".
  • Classics: Jaya Bonderov "Freedom Wig"

    Classics: Jaya Bonderov "Freedom Wig"
    Jaya Bonderov was a rad dude; from skating to photography, he could do it all. Check his shit from this 1997 Volcom vid. The guy was down! NorCal's taken some deep hits over the years, but this one hurts like a kick in the nuts. We'll all skate forever in the afterlife. Off to Valhalla. —Jake Phelps  
  • Classics: Jeremy Klein "Asian Goddess"

    Classics: Jeremy Klein "Asian Goddess"
    Jim Greco introduces his favorite part of all-time. A true classic, here's Jeremy Klein from the first Hook-Ups video, Asian Goddess released in 1994.
  • Classics: Omar Hassan "Blockhead Video"

    Classics: Omar Hassan "Blockhead Video"
    As this vid from the late '80s shows, Omar got his skating fundamentals in order at a young age—and that's why he's been ripping for 30 years.
  • Classics: Jim Greco "Misled Youth"

    Classics: Jim Greco "Misled Youth"
    Zero helped establish the no-filler, all-gnarly skate video part. This suited Greco's skating just fine. Dakota Servold introduces a 1999 classic, and rightfully points out one of the best back 360s ever.
  • Classics: Rodrigo Teixeira "Can't Stop"

    Classics: Rodrigo Teixeira "Can't Stop"
    Hard to believe this part is almost 10 years old. The precision gnar of TX's skating will stand tall in any era. Carlos Ribeiro introduces a classic part from The Firm's 2003 video.
  • Skate Like A Girl’s “Wheels of Fortune 12” Video

    Skate Like A Girl’s “Wheels of Fortune 12” Video
    For three days of mystical mayhem, a global gathering of skaters commandeered Seattle's streets with its hyped-up Witch Hunt and closed the show with a heated contest. Fresh pros and new homies keep the spirit of skateboarding strong.
  • SKATELINE: 06.04.2024

    SKATELINE: 06.04.2024
    Gary breaks down The P-Stone Cup 2024, Last Resort AB's Doomed from the Jump video, Cordano Russell's Skater XXL video, Tyshawn Jones, Hyun Kummers, Eniz Fazliov and more in today's episode of Skateline.
  • Dick Rizzo's "Headspace" HUF Video

    Dick Rizzo's "Headspace" HUF Video
    HUF hops in with Dizzo to hit old Jersey haunts and add to the iconic catalog of New York photos. Check it before calling shotgun.
  • Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination" Video

    Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination" Video
    Full commitment in every clip, GT, Raney, Austin, Nick, TNT and company cover everything from the tightest pools to the crustiest streets with unmitigated energy. This is what Thrasher and Antihero have always been about.
  • Tyshawn Jones Tompkins Square Park Adidas Jam Photos

    Tyshawn Jones Tompkins Square Park Adidas Jam Photos
    Getting a pro shoe is a big deal. Getting a second is twice as huge. So TJ and the adidas team took to NYC’s Tompkins Square Park to launch his new pro model kicks. Tap in to see how they snap.
  • In The Mag
    April 2024 Filipe Mota Thrasher Cover_Burnett_350
    Chris Russell floats an Eggplant in OZ for the cover of July 2024, an issue packed from start to finish. GX hits Japan, Bannerot crawls walls, Lou bombs elephants, and Jhancarlos humbles the heaviest rails. Secure 200 pages of stoke before it’s too late.