• Magnified: Robbie Brockel

    Magnified: Robbie Brockel
    In the "Hell of a lot tougher than it looks" department, this bar snap to lipslide requires some serious commitment. As seen in the October mag.
  • Magnified: Alec Majerus

    Magnified: Alec Majerus
    Too soon to tell, but this monster rail has denied so many gnarly skaters it could be another showcase spot where any make goes down in history.
  • Magnified: Joey Ragali

    Magnified: Joey Ragali
    Boardslides are a classic move any skater can relate to. Here's Joey conquering a tall and long kinked beast. As seen in the August 2013 issue.
  • Magnified: David Gravette

    Magnified: David Gravette
    Pretty much every skater has done a 50-50 to one degree or other. But no one turns up the heat quite like David. As seen in the May 2013 mag.
  • Magnified: Forrest Edwards

    Magnified: Forrest Edwards
    Every trick at Wallenberg becomes its own legend. The epic spot has denied a switch kickflip roll-away after two decades of brutal attempts. Forrest works for it and gets the make. As seen in the April 2013 mag.
  • Magnified: Ben Raybourn

    Magnified: Ben Raybourn
    A fearless free-fall off a mountain of Burnside 'crete gets Ben the March cover.
  • Magnified: Dolan Stearns

    Magnified: Dolan Stearns
    Dolan swerves a bust by getting the quick make on a monster snap to drop. As seen in the March 2013 mag.
  • Magnified: 2012

    Magnified: 2012
    Midway through the year we began a feature called Magnified, highlighting epic stunts straight from the pages of the mag. Here's a montage of some of the shockers.
  • Magnified: Cyril Jackson

    Magnified: Cyril Jackson
    Anyone who watched Bake and Destroy knows Cyril came out of nowhere with one of the best parts. As seen in the December mag, this seven-flat-eight is a true monster.
  • Magnified: Aaron Homoki

    Magnified: Aaron Homoki
    Sometimes a photo doesn't entirely show how gnarly a spot is. This shot from the December mag was a monster crooks for sure.
  • Ruby Lilley's "Monster" Part

    Ruby Lilley's "Monster" Part
    Red’s barn, Washington Street and Mammoth have all leveled their fair share of seasoned pros, but Ruby handles the heaviest terrain with absolute authority. Mami and Lizzie bring the backup in this stunning show.
  • "Get it Away" A Short Film About SSD

    "Get it Away" A Short Film About SSD
    Phelper's favorite band SSD, known for their explosive shows and straight-edge advocacy, are profiled in this mini-doc by Six Stair's Buddy Nichols.
  • Skate Like A Girl’s “Wheels of Fortune 12” Video

    Skate Like A Girl’s “Wheels of Fortune 12” Video
    For three days of mystical mayhem, a global gathering of skaters commandeered Seattle's streets with its hyped-up Witch Hunt and closed the show with a heated contest. Fresh pros and new homies keep the spirit of skateboarding strong.
  • Wheels of Fortune 12 Photo Recap

    Wheels of Fortune 12 Photo Recap
    After a year off, the ultra-inclusive global scene ascended on Seattle to celebrate the 12th iteration of the blockbuster event series. With figures like Elissa, Marisa, Leo, Marbie and Nora, the entire weekend brought unprecedented hype. See it all here.
  • Humans of WOF: Astrology Edition

    Humans of WOF: Astrology Edition
    Wheels of Fortune 12 had a running astrology theme, so it only made sense to tap some of the biggest and brightest stars from the weekend to break down their signs. Get to know your favorites on a whole new level.
  • In The Mag
    April 2024 Filipe Mota Thrasher Cover_Burnett_350
    Chris Russell floats an Eggplant in OZ for the cover of July 2024, an issue packed from start to finish. GX hits Japan, Bannerot crawls walls, Lou bombs elephants, and Jhancarlos humbles the heaviest rails. Secure 200 pages of stoke before it’s too late.