• Hall Of Meat: Trent Hazelwood

    Hall Of Meat: Trent Hazelwood
    We're not sure what Trent was trying here. Nosegrind? Noseblunt? Regardless, getting lumped like this wasn't the outcome he expected.
  • Skate Rock China Pt. 2

    Skate Rock China Pt. 2
    This tour becomes its own beast as the shows are crazier, the spots get gnarlier, and the crew grows bigger. Here's the second and final installment of the best Skate Rock tour yet.
  • Skate Rock China Pt. 1

    Skate Rock China Pt. 1
    This is one of the wildest trips we've been on. Phelps, Figgy, Dustin, Nuge, TNT, and too many other dudes to name.
  • Classics: Antwuan Dixon "Baker 3"

    Classics: Antwuan Dixon "Baker 3"
    People may talk about his tats and wild stories, but Antwuan's skating will live forever. Pat McClain introduces this classic Baker 3 part and asks Antwuan to keep producing amazing footage.
  • Thrasher Death Match 2012 - SXSW

    Thrasher Death Match 2012 - SXSW
    Live music, mini-ramp madness, movie stars, and many a woman made Thrasher's SXSW Death Match the place to be. If you didn't make it out, here's a taste of what you missed. Start planning for next year...
  • Anti Hero to Death Match

    Anti Hero to Death Match
    Pack the crew into the van in San Francisco and get to Austin in four days.  Got it!  Throw in some solid driving, parks, backyards, and a couple pit stops in epic towns, then turn it up a notch at Thrasher's Death Match. Good times, warm beers!
  • Hall Of Meat: Jose Pereyra

    Hall Of Meat: Jose Pereyra
    Jose's feet get tangled for a split second but that's enough time for his back, head, and shoulder to get crunched.
  • Double Rock: Baker After Dark

    Double Rock: Baker After Dark
    After a brief pow-wow about the upcoming Bake And Destroy vid, Drew took the boys over to The Rock for an evening shred.
  • Classics: Danny Renaud "Mosaic"

    Classics: Danny Renaud "Mosaic"
    Danny came out of nowhere and made a big impact with his stylish skating in the 2003 Habitat video. Raymond Molinar introduces a classic.
  • Firing Line: Raymond Molinar

    Firing Line: Raymond Molinar
    Rad, you ran a red and cut a skater off, tough guy. Ain't no thing for Raymond. The artist is always his own worst critic.