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Weekly Wrap-up

A lot of stuff went up on the site this week. Here's a little re-cap of the things you may have overlooked, and may be worth looking at again.

Pedro's Bowl Blowout

280pedroBowljamP-Stone headed down to Florianopolis, Brazil for a heated blowout at Pedro Barros' bowl. Caballero, Grosso, Hassan, Borden, Ueda, Dias, Pedro, and a whole slew of others killed it. A big thanks to Pedro and Andre for showing us a good ol' time.

Classics: Brad Staba

StabaTHUMBindexWhen a pro's been ripping for years but hasn't had a video part since '99, does the tree make a sound? Wait, what? Brad addresses his history with the video camera.

A Day with Skate Mental

Skate Mental rolled through the 'Rock for a quick warm-up before grabbing a sixer and hittin' the hills with P-Stone.

KOTR 2010: Nike Teaser

280nikeKotrPsychological warfare is a big part of King of the Road. Justin Brock and the Nike dudes know the power of a good psych-out. First webisode coming tomorrow, January 8th.

One in a Million: Episodes 12 & 13

280OIAM13Slap put up episodes 12 and 13 of their One in a Million contest.
  • Krook3d Spring Refresher

    Krook3d Spring Refresher
    Krooked's spring refresher is here, check out the Shmoo Duex series, lImited edition Gonz board and the new Krook3d trailer with Brad Cromer.
  • Jaws Independent Footage

    Jaws Independent Footage
    Just when you thought you saw enough of Jaws this week Independent brings you some more sick footage.
  • Don't Miss It!

    Don't Miss It!
    Oj has a new trailer for their upcoming video.
  • Black Label Crew at PHXAM

    Black Label Crew at PHXAM
    Black Label put up a clip of their guys at Phoenix Am last weekend.
  • Ambiguous OC Blog

    Ambiguous OC Blog
    Ambiguous has a new blog post up with Alex Schmidt skating some OC spots.