Thrasher Weekend: NB Numeric in Chicago Photos

Summer on the coasts is all well and good, but there’s somethin’ special about mixin’ it up with the Midwest. New Balance Numeric did just that with a packed crew of untouchable talent. We’re talkin’ Tiago, Reynolds, Westgate, Foy and too many to name here, but you’ll see 'em soon enough. Now, let’s go see what they got into in the Second City. Thanks, NB Numeric, Voodoo Ranger, Skullcandy and Uprise Skateshop.—Joe Brook

1 DSC0284Starting out with an epic view of the Sears Tower from my room

2 DSC0970First sight to see, THE BEAN!

3 DSC1079And the first rip of the trip, Wilton Souza with a front heel

4 DSC1148Reynolds with classic wallride

5 DSC1410He wanted a close-up, too. Yes, Boss!

6 DSC1152Jake Hayes hit ‘em with a fat three flip

7 DSC1257Top rider Tiago hit the nollie crooks for fun

8 DSC1431Tom K wax camera taking me out. I love it!

9 DSC1185Brian Reid frontside flips

10 DSC1293Jordan Trahan brought the cajun flavor farther north, frontside wallride

11 DSC1284Good vibes already

12 DSC1173Tiago’s back with a nollie V flip

13 DSC1459Reynolds and Tom talking shop

14 DSC1224The Southwest’s premier switch kid, Ryan Lay dodged the Arizona sun for a bit and hit the wall opposite stance!

15 Brook Wilton 50 50 to 50 50Wilton Souza’s got the grind to grind…

16 Brook Wilton boardslide up… and the upstream slide

17 DSC0266Big G and Lil’ G. Let’s keep it movin’ 

18 DSC0280Gregson, prunin’ prep for the SOTY

19 DSC1939Warm up? What for? Foy hops on a crooks first T

20 DSC1941Then back 5-0

21 DSC1942And then an overcrooks to finish the clinic. Damn…

22 DSC1674Patrick Praman, personal challenge drop-in

23 DSC1749Marcello Campanello hopped outta NYC to ollie into the bank 

24 DSC1794Levi and Reynolds, just two big dudes with real big kickflips on their records 

25 DSC1840Brian Reid hits this back-alley ledge to bank first. Kicky back tail

26 DSC1838Ryan Lay got a blessing from the SSBSTS god himself after this one

27 DSC1891Meeting of the skate minds

28 DSC1925Ronnie Kesser, back tail kickflip out into the bank

29 Brook Westgate Ollie And on the airborne beat, Westgate rips a huge O over the whole thing

30 DSC0295Much has been written about the benches in Chicago. We had to see one for ourselves

31 DSC0345Local artist on the session

32 DSC0353 2Drew linked up with his fellow Baker Boy Neen Williams

33 Brook Tiago SW ollie into bankTiago starts it off with a switch ollie the hard way. Of course he did

34 DSC 5917Jamie Foy with a proper heelflip

35 Brook Brian Reid Nollie flip overBrain Reid, nollie flip straight up and over

36 Brook Ryan Lay sw flipAnd Ryan Lay closed out the session with a kickflip. Oh wait, that was switch. Of course it was

37 DSC0376We roll DEEP

38 DSC2074NB squad had to pay a visit to Chicago’s Uprise. Stop by when you’re in the city

40 DSC2182Then we had to check the Uprise TF

41 DSC2119Junebug is a Chicago legend. Here he is with the kids his skate program

42 DSC2153Reynolds gave the people what they came to see, a classic FS flip

43 DSC2173Our resident double threat Chris Gregson put down the camera for a kickflip noseblunt. He rips! But you already knew that

44 DSC2135Ryan Lay, nollie 180 flip over the hip

45 DSC2172Reynolds got on his ATV shit with a kicky on the quarter

46 DSC2199Marcello cooling off with a cold Fat Tire brewski

47 DSC2203Everyone enjoying a cold one after the Uprise jam

48 DSC0396A fan brought Reynolds vintage Birdhouse board to sign. Maybe he should re-release this graphic?

49 DSC0691Our guy Gary with Aaron Polansky from Sky High skate shop in Milwaukee

50 DSC0681Uprise owner Uriah and his fam

51 DSC0694Marfa the rad stepdad with Reynolds

52 DSC0611Chicago Media is ready for the show

53 DSC0480Neen brought the NADC burgers! What a guy

54 DSC0503Not a scrap to be seen

55 DSC0646Not A Damn Chance!

56 DSC0641Neen saved one for his Deathwish dude

57 DSC0448Out back we had the flatbar ready for Foy

58 DSC0624 3Local ripper broke it in with a heavy front feeble

59 DSC0565Foy with a crowd-pleasing pinch across the whole damn flat rail

60 DSC2228Skull Candy always showing the love

61 DSC0759DEMO DAY! Our guy Dylan keeps the bevs nice and cold. Thanks, Yeti

62 DSC0754I shit you not, Jake Darwen usually carries this much camera gear. But this time he's helping carry the product-toss goodies

63 DSC0774Random Brunner Bro sighting in Chi-town with Franky V

64 DSC2422Crowd check 

65 DSC2239Tom K impossible the gap to officially start the demo at Grant Park

66 DSC2259Reynolds, buttery smooth back nosegrind

67 DSC2372Westgate with a super-powered ollie over the top to 50-50

68 DSC2284Tiago doing what he does best—switch back tail

69 DSC2448Ryan Lay had fans in the crowd

70 DSC2381Justin Henry nollied into this nosegrind

71 DSC2481Gary was FIRED UP

72 DSC2703Reynolds with one more frontside flip for the masses

73 DSC2710Chicago was loving it

74 DSC2451Tiago snaps a switch varial heel over the rail

75 DSC2512Local photogs got it covered

76 DSC2461Ryan Lay, nollie noseblunt

77 DSC2532Jake Hayes brought out the Barley grind

78 DSC2635Patrick Praman, backside noseblunt

79 DSC2489If there’s a rail, Jamie Foy can fakie crooks it

80 DSC2568Ryan Lay, switch front blunt

81 DSC2715Gary always gets the crowd goin’

82 DSC2784Patrick put down a perfect front blunt

83 DSC2893And finally, Jamie Foy gets the kickflip front crooks for the curtains

84 DSC2938And that’s a wrap for the demo! Thanks for rolling out, Chicago

85 DSC2947Now there’s just a few more orders of business, starting with the slingin’ of some ink. Reynolds, you go first

86 DSC2957Foy marks up the most valuable real estate in skateboarding

87 DSC2967And, of course, the product toss! Watch your heads

88 DSC3007Westgate with a Stay Gold superfan

89 DSC3039Midwest superstar Justin Henry, signing away

90 DSC3058Is Patrick down for a selfie? Fuck yeah, he is!

91 DSC3046Jake put his pen on many a shirt

92 DSC0793Jeff Halleran from Flying Low skate shop came correct with all the Thrasher covers from the NB skaters in attendance

93 DSC0780Damn near everyone got laced up today

94 DSC3164After the demo we hit the show to see Boldy James from Detroit

95 DSC3396They put on a helluva show

96 DSC3377It’s fair to say they shut it down

97 DSC1151Last day, Reynolds bought a mystery bag for the team from the Goodwill. Ryan got a sick shirt from the haul

98 DSC3544Wilton, off the curb cut to 50-50

99 DSC1233Somehow we still had some gas in the tank, so we hit up Chicago’s hallowed library spot

100 DSC3586Jordan Trahan threw out a 360 flip to warm up the plaza

101 DSC3731RIght behind him, Partick Praman soared a nollie inward heel over the can

102 Brook Tiago BS nollie heelWho’s got the nollie back heel? Tiago, easy

103 DSC4050Few things look better than a classic kickflip. Jordan knows

104 DSC4128Thrasher shirts, not just for lookin’ sick in the streets, but also for keepin’ ‘em clean

105 DSC4225Franky took a walk down the block with a Bennett grind

106 DSC4200Barred up by Levi Brown? That’s a trick in itself

107 DSC4158Tiago with a powerful switch front crooks. It's so fun to watch him skate in person

108 DSC4277And closing out the whole weekend, Marcello ends the trip with a backside nosegrind through a modest forest. Thanks again for all the good times, Chicago! We’ll see you soon
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