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Tiago Lemos' "Press Play" Premiere Photos

DC and Boulevard skateboards teamed up with LB Skate in Long Beach to throw Tiago Lemos a premiere for his Thrasher part going up this Friday. With Tiago's pop and trick selection, it was a no brainer for all of Cherry Park to come check out the sneak peak. —Ben Karpinski

1 LB Skate OutsideSkaters were wrapped around the block of LB Skate waiting to see the part

2 Toya PizzaDanny Montoya brought everyone Pizzanista

3 MikeyLB Skate’s Mikey Chim knows it’s all about the details

3 RobG SteadyEatingSteady Eating Crew’s Commander in Beef, Rob G, double fisting

4 Chris Jason MossimoChris Ray, Jason Hernandez and Massimo talking all things 4K

5 JHFDavid Loy and Boo, just having fun

6 TimTim BrazilChad Tim Tim got a pass to be an honorary Brazilian

8 300shirtNever not hustling, Pat sold the shirt off his back to Darwin for 300 bucks

9 Jose ToyaBoulevardiers Danny Montoya and Jose Pereyra

10 G NesserAlways good to have Steve Nesser in town

10 LB Skate CrewThe LB Skate Crew: Bryce, Vitor, Tim and Mikey

11. Vitor TiagoThen it was time to start the video

12 Chris TiagoTiago and Chris Ray. Literally time to “Press Play”

13 Full HouseLong Beach loves Tiago

14 Shop ScreenTheaters are cool and all but everyone knows the most important place to see a new video is in the skate shop

15 Evan WesYou know its good when Evan and Wes are blown away

17 Tiago ToyaCongrats, Tiago!

18 Tiago Toya 2So good!

19 TiagoBoom!

20 Tiago Evan WesSee you Friday.

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