Thomas Taylor Memorial Skate Jam Photos
On May 6th, 2023 the Atlanta skate scene came together to celebrate the memory of Thomas Taylor—friend, dad, ripping skater and keeper of the flame. Big love to the Stratosphere family. This shit’s forever. ––Michael Burnett
We’ll never forget how hard Thomas ripped
When DJ Juan Love shows up you know it’s gonna go off
The Taylors, impeccable in white
Just ‘cause you’re a punk doesn’t mean you want a sunburn!
Bowl sesh firing up
Plenty for all
Psycho Dro finds the lines
Lenny and Dave wouldn’t miss this one for the world
Punkers … coming through
Bobby, Stormy and Jeremiah … ATL proud
Back at ya, buddy!
Big Buck Smith on the right cozies up to Bones Brigade alumni Kevin Lambert and his daughter
Nothing Stranger than getting your photo taken with your friends
Okay and agreed
Is that you, Una?
Fancy steps on the side wall
While Chappy tests out of the deep end
The Embassy fools are alway busting big
Coan made it!
Wait, where’d you get tacos??
Grant vs the volcano, round 1
Proper tuck
Some much-needed advice from K White
You got it now, GT?
Shit yeah!
Ok, yep
Straight into a lock with ATL legend Don Hillsman!
Slider into the corner
Gus Gordon, trusting the process. He’s the best
Scotty made it!
Find G Bicks and you’ll find the tacos
‘Just sayin’ …Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is wildly underrated …’
This is how we do it!
David Clark and the crew
Nothing says family friendly like good ol’ cotton candy!
Babes, everywhere!
Thanks for coming out!
A little girl talk over some Voodoo Ranger
Priceless artifacts ––Tear it up, Kingston!
Bring your pit …if you got one
White and Kanfoush ... forever
Hey, some people are just trying to rip, ok?
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water
Widdip, y’all?
Cute homies alert!
Y'all look fire too, tho
This guy’s an animal
Tight bros from way back
ATL legends Fred Reeves and Don Hillsman ... Damn!
Tables turned
You guys!
Good seeing y’all
How sick is that shirt??!
Session in the big(ger) bowl!
Ronnie egged ALL the hips
You bone it, you own it. Phelper said that
Part time editor, full time shreditor. Yeah, Buddy!
Patlanta fires everyone up with his signature front tap. Very fucked
Quick glimpse of Raney in the square. Elusive, those Bereses
No exceptions, ma’am! Roll in or GTFU!
‘Let’s do a handsome one …’
Southern skate legend Jimmy Leaphart wanted to see an invert, among other requests. Wait, is that a tattoo of himself??
Valiant effort!
THERE it is! Leaphart approved??
Roman follows up with an egg in the cradle for good measure
Yep, we did it
Hongry gets last licks
And Bira collects the cans
Product toss time!
Hope you all got something
Ron definitely came up. Wow!
Next day, meet up at Strat
Anybody remember these guys? Skate doctor Brian Chung and good ol’ Mic-e Reyes
Hair of the dog
Ditched the raccoon in the truck, got a wife! Another ATL legend, Tommy Kay
Way up!
Body made it!
Managerial types Flynn and Alden
Reppin the Card
Bob Reynolds … of the FUTURE!
Whattup, Yoder?!
Heavy maka
Mic was hugging everybody
Is this your only luggage, sir?
Semmes leans in on my classy photo of Jimmy “Slim” O’Brien
And now … GROUP PHOTO!!! We actually had to do this twice because important people kept showing up
This is a better way to see everybody in this format

That about does it. Good looking crowd, right?
Family is forever
Sunday session at Tom’s
Set in stone
Cody buries Smith
This bowl is no joke
In old-lady slippers and tube socks?!
Gnar half-Cab from GT
Maybe it’s the footwear?
Nah, he got it next run
Big ol’ booster. We all wondered if they were gonna peel back the garage roof again
Aerial attempt over the memorial wreath
It’s what Tom woulda wanted
Writings’ on the wall. Some other heavy tricks went down but you’re gonna have to wait for the mag to see those
Leaphart was on a hot one
With the bulk of his wrath focused directly on John!
Not sure what this was. Arrest story?
Anyway, never a dull moment!
And then he and Gut almost kissed
Friends like these ...
Gotta love ‘em
Buddy on grill
Heckled, mostly
Want some bacon on that burger?
‘They never have Nutter Butters …”
Cardiel shot these with my camera

Excellent, really
Thank God, some authority figures around here
John likes Grant’s mom’s chili … A LOT!
Nap time!
Jake really was asleep using a kettle bell as a pillow. Don’t even ask about Layne
I take that as a sign that the weekend is winding down
Time to shut it down. See you next year, Atlanta. Thank you, Tom. We will never forget

Lest We Forget: GRANT TAYLOR
On November 23rd, 2011, we announced that Grant Taylor was our Skater of the Year alongside this video part. Grant is the best, and here's a glimpse of what he did that year to receive the top honor. -
King of the Road Webisode #11
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Burnout: Free Hats!
GT and the crew ease into the OZ trip and come up on some free headgear. -
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