The "Static VI" Premiere Photos
Josh Stewart started working on Static in 1998. Twenty-five years later, here we are in packed theater awaiting his final installment. Yes, it takes a village and no man is an island in The Keys, but every independent skate video owes something to what Josh started in Florida. The series is not just a run-on collection of clips and hip-hop tracks, but a deep exploration of skating on the fringes. Whether it was Jake and Ed trekking out to Vegas or Paul and Kenny sending postcards from London, there’s always an attempt to illuminate something less visible. So with five full-lengths in the can, he sacrificed his back once again to expose the soul of skating in New Haven, New Orleans, Chicago, Boston and beyond. It was an honor to witness the culmination of a quarter-century dedicated to one’s craft. Now, join me as I bug the shit out of everyone at the New York premiere. —Ted Schmitz
I thought I might start off with some skating at Tompkins, but half the Supreme team was there and Sage was absolutely killing it, so I got intimidated and headed straight to Café Chrystie. Queens’ son Moose Abrahams was there to greet
Stop by for a cold brew to get that afternoon panic attack started
Who doesn’t love a hand-painted sign?
Bean juice and the second-best magazine in America?! This place has it all
Out front, Spencer Gillespie asks my favorite WKNDer about his part in tonight’s show
Yeah, there’s a lot of manuals, so what?!
New Orleans, we got your Mahan!
Jake Todd, master of the pregame
See you at the premiere?
Static OG KT serves looks with Illinois' Brett Weinstein and NOLA's best
If these guys were a wrestling tag team I’d call them the Red Menace. But they aren’t wrestlers or Soviet communists, so let’s just call them Mark Del Negro and Brian O'Malley
Something about rent’s about to go up
Congrats on the shop, Pep!
Hey, new dad Cole Giordano took the night off for the culture… or for his own entertainment
My guys with local flatground god James Sayres
Solo Sayres!
Still trippin’ New York just leaves its trash on the sidewalk
More beautiful than any parking lot
James joins his fellow TOA associate John Baragwanath, along with Pep and Brett
If there’s ever a video that needed overthinking, this is it. Andrew and Jack came by to oblige
Marcello Campenello got that bread
And some flashy hardware
Stole Pep’s backdrop to get New Balance boys, Jordan Trahan and Tyrone Romero
Put those pointers up if you filmed a bunch of the video
Okay, now put those pointers if up if you filmed a bunch of the video or are next to that guy. This is confusing. Here’s Jake Todd and Jovi Barthemess
Chrystie rider and absolute beast Neil Herrick made it out
Look, Dustin, it’s cool you had an amazing part in Static IV, but this is my gig
Is that the Mindbender?!
Static alumns, Joel Meinholz and Dustin Eggeling
Not you too!
Ah, I can’t stay mad at that smile
Pep needs one more
Yes, skaters were here…
We out to the theater!
That’s actually a pretty good description of a Static video
Big if true
Heavy huddle for Musical Mondays! Let's check the line first
Over at the cinema, fans and fellow Arizonans were already lined up
I’ve met and hung out with Alexis Sablone half a dozen times and I’m still starstruck. I should ask her ride or die Josephine if that ever goes away
East Coast beasts Vern Laird and Seb Housset rolled up
We probably wouldn't be here tonight without Jahmal. The work he's put in from EE3 to tonight's feature is the stuff of legend and the streets are indebted. Hopefully his crew carries that torch
Picture Show’s Taylor Nawrocki and Ken Kurata got some pointers from Jake
Good to see Jasper Stieve and lens lord Sam McKenna
The Florida connection stays strong with Beatrice and company coming through
King of Indiana's analog media, Jeremy Tubbs
Oh, you like Quasi and Bustcrew? Then you’ll love these guys: Tubbs, Kevin, Will and Justin
Carhartt’s Reggie caught up with Caleb McNeely
Jake Baldini, JP and Jersey Dave on the scene
Dave said this guy was his dad. Lookin’ pretty good for 60 or so
One time I asked Jack Sabback if he used to skate with Greco in Conneticut ‘cause I forgot he was from South Carolina
It’s about that time!
And there he is. On the same beat since ‘98 and still in the streets. Thank you, Josh, for the decades of constant inspiration. Maybe we can get a GoFundMe goin' for a chiropractor
JD and Ty joined the representatives from the 757, Cory and Jon. I should probably get some tattoos
If you ever posted about “Margot Robbie is mid,” I’m gonna hit you in the knees with a pipe. Not because I’m defending a millionaire, but because you’re the only person more annoying than I am
TOA? More like VIP
Pre-show trivia courtesy of Pat Steiner’s Tin Can Skatelore
How many times you think Jeremy Elkin and Jack have been to one of these?
Whatever the question was, Nate Broussard is always the right answer
You better know the answer to this one
Okay, you can stay
But you gotta sit down
Seven years in the making, Josh had some time to think about this speech
Now, it’s SHOWTIME Photo: Navarro
Won’t spoil too much, but goddamn is it sick to see KT still gettin’ it
I’m not crying, the AC just broke
John Baragwanath got his flowers
Heading out, we see the good people behind Buddies in Brooklyn. Stop in!
Let’s get some last minute flicks with the cast. New Balance teammates Marcello and Justin give Jordan some love on that incredible part
The Jakes love putting pointers out for the homies. I think it means Brett and Trevor killed it
My Central Park heroes Marcello, Jasper and Greg
Max Whit gives Jake his due credit for the filming assist
Steve, you waxed up my subway stop!
Oppenheimer, Barbie, Static VI, the movies are back, baby!
Mark Del Negro and Justin Helmkamp were probably still givin’ Richie some love for that HUF part
Champagne for the gang!
Labels out
You deserve it, Brett
Trahan gets some love from J-hon
Spirit Quest’s Colin Reed and Sayres
Did you notice that Steve Brandi’s gap lip was at the same subway stop Aaron Herrington pushes by in the promo for Static IV?
Emily confirms it’s a fiancé-friendly film!
I got to sit next to Heikkila, and there is no better way to enjoy a premiere
Let’s wrap it up by saying peace to Naquan and Moose, two bright spots in this beautiful city
Clip by clip, cut by cut, Josh and his ever-expanding cast earned these roses. If you can't wait for this one to drop, just rewatch one through five with your friends. They never get old and somehow neither does Stewart Photo: Trahan

The Follow Up: Alexey Krasniy
Given the choice between a military draft and a life on the road, Alexey thankfully took the latter. On the heels of his new Vans part, we caught up with him to rap on his adopted home in Barcelona, sketchy ride-on grinds and what the hell’s up with that spooky cello. -
Chocolate's "Drips" Series Video
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"Humidity X Thrasher" Video
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SOTY Party 2024 Photos
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"Thirty Years of Flavor" Chocolate's 30-Year Party Photos
York, Randle, Iannucci, Hecox! With the help of Deckaid and eBay, Chocolate celebrated 30 years of iconic graphics, photos, videos and friendship. It was a night full of hazing, love and a bunch of OGs reminiscing about the good ol’ days. Scroll through, Paco.