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Sub Zero Rerelease Event Photos

If you know about Philly skating at all, that’s thanks in part to the groundwork laid by Sub Zero. After 30 years, the original shop crew and its landmark video still hold weight as essential pillars of East Coast skate history. This weekend, the OGs and those of us still in the streets stopped by Nocturnal for a new release of Sub Zero goods. You know Freddie made it out. See who else. —Brian Panebianco

subzero anniversary 1Glory days, the original Sub Zero Skateshop, 1995

subzero anniversary 2The location today. Dry your eyes; it’s time to see some friends

subzero anniversary 3The night begins just a stone's throw away at Nocturnal Skateshop. Let’s stop in

subzero anniversary 4Our first Sub Zero team alumni, Kenny Hughes popped out for the event

subzero anniversary 5The original neon sign makes an appearance for the first time in decades

subzero anniversary 6Fred Gall and Ricky Oyola in da house!

subzero anniversary 7Triple OGs Sergei Trudnowski and Kevin Taylor making a mandatory appearance

subzero anniversary 8KT adding value to that board. Get your bid in

subzero anniversary 9Sub Zero owner Schane Von Hartleben old friends Ricky, Kerry Getz and KT

subzero anniversary 10It’s all LOVE tonight! OG’s Roger Browne, Schane, Freddy and Omar Alverio paid their dues at the park

subzero anniversary 11The group photos continue, RIP Tim Achille

subzero anniversary 12South Philly Joe grabbing some of the rereleases

subzero anniversary 13Ancient relics, rediscovered

subzero anniversary 14Later generation shop alumni J-Bo and Mike C popped out for the reunion

subzero anniversary 15That shirt is old!

subzero anniversary 16Serge and Esher reminiscing

subzero anniversary 17The original wood sign that hung outside the shop, still is great shape

subzero anniversary 18Philly Rapper Q3 and his OG Omar. Sub Zero was Q’s first job

subzero anniversary 19Young bulls Marley and Chris Falo popped out to support their ole heads

subzero anniversary 20East Coast heavy hitter Neil Herrick stopped by. Schane flowed him boards during the last year of the shop

subzero anniversary 21So much memorabilia

subzero anniversary 22New Jersey pulled up! Brian Douglas and Devin Flynn taking it all in

subzero anniversary 23Nocturnal employee of the month, Ben Owen, rockin’ the new Sub Zero brimmed beanie behind the counter

subzero anniversary 24Moyer Dave, Celina and Waylon Achille

subzero anniversary 25Uncle Rick!

subzero anniversary 26A few more group photos? You know it!

subzero anniversary 27And it was over too soon. But don’t worry: you can get in on the goods by going to the Sub Zero site for updates on more releases. Grab some and we’ll see you in the Pit
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