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Sean Conover Interview

Thin Lips, Stashman, Burn Vic, Mr. Krueger—whatever you want to call him, Conover is off the bench and back on the streets, technically dismantling obstacles like greased fuckin' lightning. The dude has the most uncanny ability to always land on his bolts; it's almost laughable. He holds it down for the team with his precise skating and clean-cut looks. Even on his worst days on the road we can put him in front of the pile and all look somewhat presentable, and that asset alone is worth its weight in ginger gold. Welcome back, Sean! -Hitz

You look shiny, like you're melting. How long you been clean cuttin' it, slick?
Oh, man. I'd say six years or so. It's been awhile. I don't even know why I started with the slick. I just wanted something different and haven't stopped. I'm open to hair suggestions, though. What do you got?

None, man. Run it. Have you ever seen a UFO? I don't think they abduct gingers. What about Bigfoot?
I'd like to think that I've seen one, but doubtful. I'm down for the abduction. I'd love to see that process. Bigfoot?  Are you talking about Willis and his corns?

No. Thats disgusting. Would you consider Willis Kimbel to be a ginger?
Willis is an ever-so-slight ginger. It's the Irish in him. I miss that traveling lad.

You were on the injured list for a while there. We're all stoked to see you come through with this part. That's gotta feel good. What did you get into to pass that time? Do you get into playing music or what? Heavy grooming maybe?
Fuck, I was out for a while. It really put a damper on this part. There's a ton of stuff I wanted to do but couldn't find the time to do it. I ended up tearing cartilage in my hip and my wrist was focused. I thought the hip would require surgery, but it ended up healing on its own after a long six months. I could roll around but nothing else. I was going stir crazy not being able to skate or even do anything, so I ended up getting a full-time job working for a rad hair-product company called Unite. I'm still there now.  Since I've been working full time, I have a much better appreciation for my time.  

5050 transfer Photo: Gouldz

Have you gotten a letter from Heddings in jail. Have you written him?
I actually just found out that he was back in jail from Ivery. So sad to hear about him being back there. I love that guy. He's done a whole lot for me but haven't spoken to him in a while. Do you have his contact info? Let's get that address and write some letters!

You seem to love them hubbas over handrails. Is it because of the kickflip-out potential or just the concrete element?
I grew up in Gainesville, FL, and there was no such thing as hubbas out there. We didn't even have a skatepark growing up. Gainesville got its first real park about three years ago, long after I left. I just loved skating ledges and boxes growing up. Hubbas are just ledges going down stairs. They're so much fun to me. I still love rails. I just see every little kid doing every trick possible on rails and I get over it, I guess.

I think you could take out the whole Creature team in a game of flatground skate. Who on the team would make you sweat if there was money on it?
Damn. I've seen Gravs have some luck on the flatty and Willy is surprisingly good on those big ol' planks he rides. I've never met Milton but I wouldn't put much past that guy. If I had to go with anybody I think it'd be Gravs, but I still think I got his ass.

Tailslide Photo: G. Ray

Lipslide shove-it Photo: Gould

Have you ever shaped a board yourself? What style and dimensions would you make it?
I've never designed a board. My board would be jacked and people would think I'm nuts. Probably an 8.375 by 31.9. I've been riding that size ever since my first day on Creature. I've also ridden my boards backwards as long as I can remember. So a big-ass tail with an equal or smaller nose. I don't know. I've never really thought too much about it. It would probably be pretty wacky. 

You think you'll live in Encinitas forever? Do the cops plauge much at the new skatepark?
I moved around so much as a kid being from Connecticut, New Jersey, Pittsburgh and Florida. I'm stoked on this North County San Diego area. I've grown to love it here and it's been awhile since I've felt this comfortable in one place. Poods park is amazing. Kanten really killed it designing that whole place. I had a run-in with the cops before it officially opened and it wasn't pleasant. The cop was such a dick. He tried to arrest me for skating at the skatepark. I haven't had any problems since it's been opened, though. Thanks to Thomas Barker for fighting hard for that park! 

Kickflip 5050 Photo: Gould

Pivot Kickflip Photo: Gould

What are your plans for summer?
Summer plans consist of a lot of working. I've been skating a ton lately after work and weekends. Try to get out and travel on my time off. I want to go on a fucking Creature trip! Can we do that? Lets do that! Try to work on a new video project ASAP.

I would like to do a street expose on Gary, Indiana, for a month. How's that grab you? We could probably get a house for cheap. I'm fucking down if I can get work off! That's near Chicago, right? Small towns usually have such a rad skate scene. I totally support small-town scenes. Gainesville, where I grew up, is awesome. The skate scene is small and it's great there. People skate for fun there and that's what it's all about. California is a little jaded and kids just don't understand how fortunate their situations really are out here, especially having four skateparks in a 15-mile radius.  

Give us a quick description or story of your boy Poods.
That's a tough question and hard to put into exact words. Poods was one of a kind and such a genuine person.  He truly had a heart of gold, and he just wanted everybody around him to be happy. He would do anything for anybody, regardless of if he knew them or not. His family is the same way and they took me in when I needed a place to stay with no questions asked. They started a foundation called Rollin' From The Heart in his honor. We visit disadvantaged and at-risk children at shelters to hang out with them, donate skateboards, clothing and shoes and show them the basics of skateboarding and life, really. You can tell just how much it really means to them. It's a rewarding experience to say the least. 

Last words, advide for the kids?
First and foremost have fun. Don't worry about what people think, follow your dreams and be happy. Thanks to all my friends, family, the people that have supported me and of course 90's music. Peace.