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“Maka Lassi Bridge Life” Video and Premiere Photos

Eight years of hard work were undone in two days by the city, but the memories made will last a lifetime. See the whole story of ATL's humble DIY as told by the scene's best along with flicks from the ATL premiere. —Michael Burnett

GT, Tom, Pat and company come through in this powerful piece. Now, let's check in with the scene

Bridge Life Premiere 01When the flag is waved, it’s time to roll!

Bridge Life Premiere 02Over at the theater. Jeremiah and Carerra heavily bevved

Bridge Life Premiere 03Brings your wings, if you got ‘em

Bridge Life Premiere 04We’ll get back to you

Bridge Life Premiere 05Neck approved? Again, we’ll let you finish

Bridge Life Premiere 06Aleia and Shredcorn made it!

Bridge Life Premiere 07Albino, Finn and a SOTY makes three

Bridge Life Premiere 08Jimmy Leaphart’s on a sober kick. Believe it!

Bridge Life Premiere 09OGs Phil and Shawn have done some time under bridges

Bridge Life Premiere 10Babes … everywhere

Bridge Life Premiere 11Maleek and Joel rev it up

Bridge Life Premiere 12Some face time with one of the film’s editors Max Yoder. Two thumbs way up!

Bridge Life Premiere 13Y’all ready?

Bridge Life Premiere 14Mikey’s crew made it

Bridge Life Premiere 15Plenty of bad boys under that bridge

Bridge Life Premiere 16And from the hit Vine …

Bridge Life Premiere 17Lindsey Mclain knows all about it

Bridge Life Premiere 18‘We should start pouring concrete here …’

Bridge Life Premiere 19‘Think there will be cool music in the video?’ ‘Bet.’

Bridge Life Premiere 20Roman with a hug and a slice

Bridge Life Premiere 21There could still be another C-minus in there

Bridge Life Premiere 22Mark “Red” Scott coming in off an afternoon in the streets

Bridge Life Premiere 23Let’s see it, Nick!

Bridge Life Premiere 24Steady rollin’

Bridge Life Premiere 25Jon Freeze likes ALL the beers

Bridge Life Premiere 26New parents J Roc and Macey. Congrats!

Bridge Life Premiere 27Red, Marlon and Stevie say fire it up!

Bridge Life Premiere 28Filmmaker John Manfredi sets it off. Heavy is the head

Bridge Life Premiere 29Followed by a rousing speech from Pat Mclain –– in black and white for extra pirateyness.

Bridge Life Premiere 30WHOOOOOO!!!!!

Bridge Life Premiere 31Mesmerized

Bridge Life Premiere 32Red went interactive once the Grindline the Band song came on

Bridge Life Premiere 33Some laughs

Bridge Life Premiere 34Some laughs AND tears

Bridge Life Premiere 35And a lot of heart. Congrats, boys!

Bridge Life Premiere 36You were there?? Prove it!

Bridge Life Premiere 37And then the rockets flew

Bridge Life Premiere 38Goodnight, Atlanta. Thank you, Maka Lassi
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