Kyle Leeper

Kyle Leeper

Kyle Leeper's Top 3's

My backyard
Anywhere with the homies

Countries travelled to:
Australia is the best place

Dinosaur Jr.
New Order
Joy Division
Elliot Smith
Wu Tang forever

Things you do outside of skateboarding:
Drink beer
Watch basketball
Ride bikes
Play frisbee with the dogs

Dudes with style:
Mike Carroll
Kenny Anderson

Natalie Portman

Three Men and a Baby

Kyle Leeper

Best dudes to ever skate for Black Label:


Items in your Quiksilver packages:
Actually everything, they make tons of cool shit. I’ve got a Quiksilver leash and collar for my dog

Scariest moments:
One time we were skating a pool and a dude walked up with a shotgun and told us he was gonna bury us in the orange grove if we didn’t leave. That was pretty craze

Things about Sacramento:
Ray Ray

Reasons it’s better to live in SoCal:

Bros to skate with:
John Maguire
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