Top Secret King of the Road Book

Top Secret King of the Road Book
Secrets are hard to keep… even our own. You wanna know what it's like on KOTR? Here's the entire book of challenges that each team is battling through. Take a look through the book. Is there anything that's too easy? Which challenges are the gnarliest?

Hard - 20 pt. each
•Back lip to frontside 270 out
•Crooks to nose wheelie on top to crooks
•Back tail biggie
Harder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Half-Cab crooks to backside 5-0
•Backside nollie 180 to fakie frontside 5-0
•Switch front lip pop around to back lip
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Fakie switch front crooks fakie shove-it
•Front lip to impossible out
•Back Smith to 360 flip
fucked up - 150 pT. (pudwill's requesT)
•Kickflip back lip to back 5-0 to switch front crooks fakie flip out
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Japan grab to manual
•Frontside half-Cab to nose manual 180 out
•Manual to no-comply shifty
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Switch manual switch kickflip
•Fakie bigspin flip to manual
•Pressure flip manual to kickflip
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Manual to Sal flip
•Fakie 360 flip fakie nose manual
•Frontside 180 fakie nose manual to switch heelflip
fucked up - 150 pT.
•Switch 360 flip nose manual fakie 360 flip out
(must be at least curb-high)
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Frontside boneless to disaster
•Gray slide (lien to tailslide, back hand on coping)
•Tailboned backside air
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•One-footed backside Smith
•Switch sweeper
•One-footed frontside ollie tailgrab
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Rave 'n' Roll: Fakie ollie to frontside nosegrind
•Frontside 360 ollie to front rock
•Frontside invert
fucked up - 150 pT.
•Frontside nosegrind nollie flip
The Jimmy carlin collection
50 pT. eAcH
•Chetty Thomas
•Psycho White Boy
•Chopper Style
•Fish Out of Water
•Shark Attack
•Double Dolphin
•Ollie Imposter
•Uptown Kickdown
•Merlin Spin (courtesy of Cory Kennedy)
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Pole jam frontside 180
•Pole jam backside 180
•No-comply pole jam
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Pole jam stale grab
•Switch pole jam
•Manual to pole jam
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Pole jam to frontside wallride
•Pole jam backside bigspin
•Louganis pole jam (feet together in ski stance)
fucked up - 150 pT.
•Pole jam to 360 flip
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Switch front board
•Half-Cab back board to fakie
•Front crooks
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Backside 180 nosegrind
•Switch crooks
•Kickflip front board fakie
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Back Smith back 180 out
•Caveman darkslide half-flip out
•Switch front blunt
fucked up - 150 pT.
•Switch 360 flip lip
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Backside 5-0
•Caveman front 50-50
•Front Smith
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Stalefish to front lip
•Backside hurricane
•Frontside noseblunt
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Impossible over rail
•Cab front board to fakie
•Bennett grind
fucked up - 150 pT.
•360 flip front 50-50
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Early grab backside 360
•Switch frontside shove-it
•Pressure flip
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Frontside bigspin
•Sal flip
•Frontside nollie heel
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Half-Cab double kickflip
•Fakie 360 flip
•Switch ollie up
fucked up - 150 pT.
•Triple kickflip
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Frontside flip
•Fakie ollie nosegrab
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Backside 360 ollie
•Half-Cab melon grab
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Switch firecracker
•Nollie inward heel
•Cab kickflip
fucked up - 150 pT.
•Fakie 540 (Cab plus a 180)
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Frontside slappy to front board
•Frontside 270 to switch backside 50-50
•Slappy front crooks to fakie
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Backside bluntslide to back lip to fakie
•Switch frontside slappy 5-0
•360 flip front 5-0
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Switch 360 flip 50-50
•Back tail to front blunt kickflip (double sided curb)
•Switch backside slappy backside 360 out
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Everyone draws a picture of someone else on the team
•Get a woman in another car to show you some titties
•Get someone driving a PT Cruiser to give you the bird
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Get on the Instagram popular page with a photo of one of your teammates
•Perform a KOTR freestyle lasting at least 45 seconds
•Decorate the inside of the van in a specific theme (Old West, Haunted House, Jamaica, etc) and keep it like that for at least three days
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Get six females in the van with the team, at the same time
•Get a member of the original Bones Brigade in your van
•Transfer from the roof of your van into a ramp, pool, ditch, quarterpipe, or bowl
HArd - 20 pT. eAcH
•Get a hug from a Juggalo
•Skate with someone who has a Pissdrunx tattoo
•Sheffey Vibes: Skate a rock
•Find a mom who can ollie
•Skate a handrail into a pool filled with water
•Make out with a girl while you're both balancing on a spine
•Rip your shirt off in a Starbucks and do a "gun show"
HArder - 30 pT. eAcH
•Make out with a girl on a longboard (while you're both rolling on it)
•Lee Ralph's revenge: Film a trick barefooted
•Larry Perkins' challenge: Prank call a pro skater
•Find a girl who looks like one of your team riders
•Make out with a Juggalette
•Watch "The Tooth Fairy" in its entirety and write a movie review
•Party with a hobo
•Focus the board of someone you don't know who's wearing a V-neck t-shirt or who has a wacky mustache
•Hair Don't: Get a terrible haircut
•Kool for Krolick: Shave a tech beard
HArdesT - 50 pT. eAcH
•Dyet Trying: Get your tit, nose, tongue, or eyebrow pierced
•Skate a rail in the rain
•Bourne's Bathroom: As a team, pee only in bottles and keep your urine in the van for the entire trip
•Piggyback nollieflip
•Check in to a hotel wearing only stickers
•Find a cop who can ollie a board
•Make out with a woman over 40 (must show ID)
•Johnson's Johnson: Perform a trick naked and covered entirely in shaving cream
•Romero's route: Grind up a rail
•Get Nyjah to FedEx you one of his old dreads
•Eat a half-gallon of ice cream in one sitting
•Get Daewon Song to call you back
•Down for Life: Get a Thrasher tattoo
fucked up - 150 pT. eAcH
•Loop a fullpipe
•Get a hug from Mike Tyson
(Competing, by footage, with the other teams—worth 50 points each)
•Sheffey's Vibe: Best trick on a rock
•Larry Perkins' Award: Best prank call
•Pfanner's Pfling: Biggest backside 180
•M80 Award: Most stairs firecrackered
•Gravette's Gal: Best girl look-alike
•Best van decorating
•Bourne's Bathroom: Most pee bottles filled
•Johnson's Johnson: Best trick naked and covered in shaving cream
•Baca's Delight: Most over-40s made out with
•Z-Boyz Award: Longest powerslide
•Heath Kirchart Award: Best rail trick
•Biggest rail skated
•Biggest ollie
•Biggest kickflip
•Bob Gnar Award: Best transition trick
•Marc Johnson Award: Best ledge trick
•Hall of Meat: Worst slam
•Ralph's Revenge: Best trick barefooted
•Hair Don't: Worst haircut
•Kool for Krolick: Best tech beard
•Most points by a Mystery Guest
•MVP: Most points by a team rider
•Phelper's Choice: Most Gnar (150 points)
King of the Road 2011 Full Video
Here's the full KOTR 2011 video (all webisodes, back-to-back) plus an hour of bonus footage. Enjoy the wild ride one more time. -
King of the Road Webisode #13
Here's Lakai taking the win and a recap of all the insanity from one of the best KOTR's ever. Pure skateboarding, adventure, stoke, whatever you want to call it: a big thanks to Lakai, Vans, Nike SB, and Dekline for joining this strange ride. -
King of the Road Webisode #12
After killing themselves (and the Challenges book), the Vans team enjoys the end of the road. Trujillo, Berle, Lutheran, Layton, Crockett, and Mystery Guest Arto Saari put on a hell of a show this year. -
King of the Road Webisode #11
Nike SB goes full mental at the Los Angeles finish line. Ishod rips a bowl barefoot, Koston keeps his cool in a prank call, and Cory Kennedy continues his tech wizardry. -
King of the Road Webisode #10
The Dekline team gets some help from the Birdman as they near the end of the road in Los Angeles.