Independent’s “2019 Rip Ride Rally” Video
Fact Brand's "Cambryan Factory Sample" Video
SKATELINE: 06.11.2019
Rough Cut: Alexis Ramirez's "Sk8Mafia" Part
Gage Boyle's "Welcome to Spitfire" Part
"Tropicaliente" Video
Pizza Skateboards' "Beaks" Video
Wrecking Crew: Texas
SKATELINE: 06.18.2019
Jaws' "STRFKR" Part
Jake Phelps Lifetime Retrospective
Roger's "Mountain Song" Video
James Thomson's "SODA" Video
Madness' "Friends of the Desert" Video
Justin Bishop's "Ditch Your Vision" Part
Girl's "The Melbourne Identity" Video
First Look: Simon Bannerot and Manchild
Control Room Ep.2 "Milano"
SKATELINE: 06.25.2019
Blood Wizard's "The Occult" Part 1
Vans Park Series: São Paulo Women's Highlights

Junk Drawer
- Junk Drawer
Jake Phelps Lifetime Retrospective

Jake was good at helping me understand that there will be tough times in life but there is no use trying to change the inevitable. I was 13 when he died. He always kept me tough and never once treated me like I was broken, which many people did. I have seen a hell of a lot more than I wish to say, and even though he didn’t know the extent of it, he was always there to punch me in the shoulder and remind me that life is a Hellride. Nothing is predictable and more often than not, nothing will go as planned. I believe that now.
I had lost everything when my dad passed. Then Jake Phelps came along and looked me in the eyes. He said what he thought I needed to hear. I was so sick of the, “I’m here if you need to talk,” bullshit, and Jake knew it. He was there, waiting with the repeating story of him and Dad flipping the car in Australia and the constant reminders of how much he loved me. “I fucking love you guys and I fucking loved your dad.” He said things like “We’re DFL: Down For Life,” and, “Glorious.” I can’t say or hear that word without thinking of his voice when he told me, “You remind me of your father. Glorious.” I had teased him for saying such a word back then. I thought he was the weirdest person on the planet. I thought he was insane.

I was convinced Jake was a crazy person, but now I realize he was the only sane person on this fucked-up planet we call home. He and I used to have heated arguments over Star Wars. He was positive it would’ve been impossible for the Death Star to explode because there is no oxygen in space. I insisted that he was ruining the science fiction of the trilogy. Recently, I looked up if such explosions are possible in deep space. I finally had peace of mind when I found out, for the first time in my life, that I was correct over Jake Phelps. Explosions are possible in space. There’s your science lesson for the today. Jake was the kind of person who, no matter the circumstances, always had a piece of smart-ass advice that no one asked for. But he was genuine. He didn’t waste words like most people do. He said what needed to be said, or, more like what he wanted to say. He was determined to share his voice even to the people who wanted nothing to do with his crazy talk.
We tend to mourn and idolize the dead. Sometimes we idolize people more when they are dead than when they were alive. I guess it’s just human nature to honor people. I like to think of my experiences as dominoes. I wouldn’t be here or who I am today if my dad hadn’t died when I was 12 years old. I wouldn’t be writing this. I used to blame my dad’s death for my issues, but nearly two years later, as Jake says, there is no avoiding the inevitable. If I could, I would just say thank you to him. He gave me so much important advice that has kept me going since my dad’s death, and his words continue to inspire me daily. Even with him gone, I still hear his voice helping me cope with the loss of so many important people in my life. He, without a doubt, impacted me in ways no other person has.
When I was ten, Jake came to one of my soccer games with my dad. I scored a goal, looked up and saw them standing on the top of the bleachers cheering me on. I never saw my dad more engaged in what I was doing, and it made it even more special when I think of him and Jake, pumping their fists into the air. They took me to get a Slurpee afterwards.

But most of you reading this now identified primarily with Jake Phelps the skateboarder and editor of our magazine, so I will leave you with this truth—I never met anybody who loves anything more than Jake worshipped skateboarding. Just as we need food and water to survive, Jake needed skateboarding to keep his blood pumping. It was more than a hobby or form of transportation or way of life—it was his oxygen. Here's another thing: Jake never bailed. Jake fucking slammed. And there is a big difference. He only knew commitment. He was going to go for it without hesitation, and there were only two outcomes: either you'd see his triumphant fist pumping in the air or it'd be an earth-shaking collision with the concrete. I remember him telling me once that he never fell backwards, he always fell forward. Leaning back meant there was hesitation and Jake was all the way IN.
There was no myth. The man was the myth. We love you, Jake.

This was right at the transition of skateboards going from loose ball bearings to wheels with sealed bearings. I can still see him riding up with new OJs that his dad sent him.
Myself, Seanzo Murray, Tony Perez and Johnny Griff had been skating on and off for a year or two when Jake showed up. With the addition of Matt Dykeman and Rich Matsu we had the first skateboard crew, the Tuck Mongers.
We rode everywhere around town looking for steep hills, steep driveways and the occasional dangerous ramp. Even then, Jake pushed harder, rode higher and screamed at us constantly. Throughout junior high and high school he was either sabotaging our every step or helping us out with the newest teen drama.
In the 40-plus years I have been friends with Jake he has not let up—even for a minute. Skate hard, party hard, rocking out and laughing all the way. I don't think it's possible for someone to love skating more than he did. A true master at his life, he will be greatly missed by us all.

One of my favorite Jake stories is the impetus for him moving back out to San Francisco. He'd been living on Queensberry Street in Boston and he and Kent Shiffman cooked up this scheme to make some beer money. There was this bar that had a steel cage in the back with these giant six-foot trash bags full of empty cans. Jake and Kent scaled the fence and stole a couple of the bags. There was only one place that would exchange that quantity of cans, the Star Market in Kenmore Square, but while they were in there two cops showed up. Kent immediately took off running with one of the cops in pursuit. Jake sized up the other cop and decided to slug him. He then took off running and hid under a dumpster overnight. He showed up at my place at 10 am the next day with one shoe on. He was telling me he had to make a run for it and move back out West. I gave him a pair of shoes—we were both 11.5—and he took off for SF. I think his dad had a house boat in the marina at the time and Jake crashed there for a little bit until he could find his own place.
Jake was always the smartest guy in the room, but he also had that edge about him. He was at the forefront of all the punk rock/hardcore stuff, while I was more of a new waver. Over the years we both kept skating. I kept adding pads and protection to every part of my body to try and keep my body intact, while Jake just kept taking the hits like it was still 1977. We were different people, but our love for skateboarding brought us together and fueled our 40-plus years of friendship.

Jake worked on tricks harder than anybody. He learned everything first and then we all followed. Naburo designed the ramp decks to fold up for extra vert. When it was in low mode it had approximately eight inches of vert on each side. If you folded the decks up it had 3 feet of vert. We would learn tricks on the low side, but Jake always learned on the high side. By Richie's ramp days, the Jake show was in full effect. He rolled in first and demanded everyone else do it too. Skateboarding was very important to all of us and Jake was the best.

A couple of weeks before the Camden gig, SSD, Agnostic Front and Minor Threat played together at Irving Plaza in NYC. I'm pretty sure that the photo Jake used in his essay came from this show.
I'm sure Jake was with SS Decontrol at all of these shows, including when they played here in DC at a venue called The Chancellery. He was a memorable guy and definitely had style and attitude on the dance floor. All of those Boston guys would go hard out there, but Jake stood out. That night he made the mistake of messing with my brother Alec. There was an unspoken rule among the DC punks that Alec should never be touched and there was a little dust-up that night. A bunch of people jumped Jake and I think he kind of loved it.
After a while, I didn't see much of Jake. The initial SSD crew kind of dissipated and he just fell off my radar. Some years later his name came up again when someone said that he was doing stuff with Thrasher. I thought that was so weird because I hadn't made the connection between him and skateboarding. Of course, in retrospect it makes sense considering his radical spirit, which I've always believed is at the very core of skateboarding.

I don't remember having any contact with him for many years, but at some point in the early 2000s I get a message, probably through email, that he was coming to DC and wanted to interview me. The phone rang one day when I was here at Dischord House and when I answered there was a pause and this gravelly voice asked to speak with me. I said, "This is Ian," and the person takes a longer pause and then said, "Is Ian there?" Once again, I said, "This is Ian." Then the voice responds, "This is Ian? Ian MacKaye? Why are talking like a fuckin' girl?" I said, "What!?" He says, "Why are you talking with a high voice? What's up with the gay voice?" I'm getting pissed and say, "Who the fuck is this?" He says, "This is Jake Phelps." I said, "Jake, what the fuck is wrong with you? Is this really the way you call people?" Without responding to the question he says, "Hey I'm coming to Washington soon and I want to interview you." Now I'm thinking that he is out of his fucking mind. I certainly have known and interacted with people like this, people who are so caught up in their own shit that they have trouble with normal interactions, but I wasn't pleased with his nonsense and said I wasn't sure if I was up for a chat. He was really pushing me to do it and was telling me that he really needed me in the mag. I told him that I might be able to make it down to the art show that he had come into town for, but it was going to be on the early side and that I might be up for doing the interview after we had a chance to meet up and get square. The truth is that I was pretty put off by his weirdness on the phone. He just seemed like he was amped up and maybe was working on a different angle that I just wasn't interested in. On the other hand, I'm generally open to doing interviews and I liked the Jake that I had crossed paths with in the past. So anyway, the next day, I went down to the gallery after having a series of communications with Jake, who was trying to get me to guarantee that I was going to be there. I wouldn't guarantee anything, but at the same time I wanted to see the show and went down. I let him know and ended up waiting around for him. After all that, he never showed up. And I remember being really struck by his decision to not come. I can only guess what was going on in his head that day, but it seems to me that he really was a margin walker, someone that walked on the edge of society.
After he died, someone sent me a link to a video that he shot while he tore down the Dolores Park hill by himself in the middle of the night. I thought it was just so heavy and maybe that's just what life was like for him.
Substances take a toll on the body and the mind, whether it's immediate or delayed, and if you engage in some form of self-destructive behavior, you're liable to carry on living self-destructively even if you stop whatever the behaviors were.

I remember when I was around 30—I'm 57 now so we're talking over 25 years ago—my mother told me how surprised she was by the number of funerals I had attended compared to her when she was the same age. I told her that I reckoned that it came with the territory in my line of work. Artists are usually tuned in to something that is un-packageable. There is a sensitivity to them, a rawness, a vulnerability at their root that allows them to see things differently. But it's this same openness that makes them more susceptible to infection. Because they are so sensitive, they are overwhelmed with the amount of information that is coming at them and that can lead to self-medication in one form or another, and that can be the sort of thing that ultimately takes them out. That's part of the deal.
I would love to have been able to hang out with Jake that day at the art show, but I guess it just wasn't on the menu. It's more likely that it would have happened if he had just talked without the defensiveness at the beginning, but I guess that was his way of protecting himself. I mean, he could have just started it by saying hello and things probably would have gone a different way. When you put somebody on their heels you might find out that they just fucking walk away in the other direction. But that was his device, at least it was the day he called, and that's the way it goes.
Still, I'm not mad at him. I respected him and thought that he cut a fine swath. Dude was memorable for sure. And I think he was like a lot of people, someone who lived sort of by their own—I don't want to say their own rules, but rather who lived responsively. It seemed like he responded to life in a way that wasn't always pretty, but could be pretty fucking inspiring.

Jake was one of the smartest guys you'd ever meet. He was super well read and could use his intellect on you like a club if he felt like it. A lot of times he did it for his own amusement, but I always felt like he did it to challenge me and make me better. If you were in the room and weren't participating in the banter, you weren't "IN IT." Jake was the guy who always poked the bear, he was nails on the chalkboard, the instigator, but Jake was also generous beyond compare. He was always supplying kids with product to keep them skating. If you ever asked him for something it was yours to have. No questions asked.
Jake was the hardest working man in the business. If he heard some dude had a ramp three states away, then boom, Jake was at my house early in the morning, ready to go. Summer, winter, it didn't matter, he was ready to go.
He was always checking in on us through the years, making sure his friends were good. Even if you didn't need anything, he let you know he was there, and he always told you he loved you. I appreciate you, Jake. I love you.

The punk rock crowd that I hung out with at the time were always confused as to why Jake had singled me out to be his friend. He was always looking out for me and keeping me out of trouble. Jake was one of the best friends I had, mostly because he let his guard down around me. We were always thinking of something to do, so here is one story out of thousands.
I was sitting on the steps of Queensberry Street, in Boston, when Jake comes skating up on his board. I skate over to him and he says to me, "Let's get out of town. I think we should hitchhike to Maine and just relax and eat at your parents' house." I said, "Okay, let's do it," My parents always liked it whenever I came home and thought Jake was a nice kid, so we grabbed our boards and headed towards the freeway with our thumbs in the air.
The first ride we got was from two tweaker guys who were out of their minds. We got off at the first exit and stopped at this really shady area right outside of Boston. The tweakers said they were going to a store. They were going to leave the car running and would be right back. We immediately jumped out of that car, thinking we were about to be involved in a robbery, and kept going. After a few hours, we were finally picked up by a super scary trucker. He said to us that we should stop at a bar before we head out. We didn't have any money so the trucker bought us drinks. We drank a bunch of beer while he was asking us strange questions like, "Where are you going? Does anyone know you're coming?" When he went to the bathroom I said to Jake, "Look, we are totally drunk now. We are only an hour away from Boston and Maine is two hours away. Should we just go back?" We thought about it for awhile, but decided to keep going. When we got back into the truck, the trucker just kept getting weirder and weirder. He was showing us his gun and telling us through his tears about his pet bobcat that just passed away.

We kept drinking something strong. Rum maybe? And once we got to Portsmouth, New Hampshire—it was Sunday and you couldn't buy liquor in Boston; only at a bar—we immediately pulled to the first liquor store we saw. The strange truck driver told Jake to buy another bottle of rum and a six-pack of Cokes. Jake grabbed his board and went in. I was sitting in the back part of the truck and asked him for a match. He said something along the lines of, "Yeah, my dick in the back of your throat." I just grabbed my board and jumped out of the truck and told Jake what happened. He took one of the Cokes and threw it at the back window and broke it. I didn't know this was going to happen so Jake grabbed me and said, "Run." We ran behind the store into some bushes and could see in the brightly-lit driveway the truck driving around in circles looking for us. He would leave and come back so we drank the booze until he left. After an hour we got up and I had some sort of funky rash on one side of my body. We got back on the freeway but it was getting late and not a lot of cars were on the road. We kept skating and kept our thumbs up.
Now it had been eight or nine hours since we had left Queensberry Street. We saw an exit up ahead and started skating towards it. We saw a Dunkin' Donuts. Jake had just enough leftover change to buy a coffee and a doughnut. The waitress working there was super nice. Jake and I spent hours trying to convince this lady to let us stay at her place for the night, but she said no 'cause we stunk of liquor and she could see the giant rash I had on one side of my body that continued spreading. We gave up and decided to find somewhere else to sleep. There was a donation box in between a church and Dunkin' Donuts, so we climbed in and tried to sleep in it. It was impossible to get comfortable. Jake and me kept smelling something really awful and realized we had been sleeping in a compost bin the entire time. We were covered in coffee grinds, eggshells and God knows what else. We tried to clean ourselves off, but we still stank. Jake and I washed up inside the bathroom of Dunkin' Donuts and hit the road once again.
A young girl picked us up. Jake and I could tell that she thought she made a mistake because of how bad we smelled. She was nice enough to drive us right to my parents' house, though. The house was small and it was around six in the morning. Jake drank everything we had in the fridge: cups of water, milk—and then he pulled out what appeared to be a carton of orange juice and chugged it down. I then started hearing him gag and hack so loud, I thought something was really wrong. He turned to me with his head in the sink and what looked like spinach running down his face. I grabbed the carton and saw that it was something called "pour-a-quiche." It had spinach, raw eggs and fettuccine in it. "Just pour and cook," said the label! Jake drank about half of it. My dad woke up to see my growing rash and Jake with spinach all over his chin. He told us, "You guys stink of booze. Get in the shower and go lay down."

I remember that we slept most of the day. When we woke up, Jake and I decided to leave and met some wannabe punks and talked them into buying us a case of beer and coke. I was banned from every bar in town so we decided to go to the pier and called some girls up. I got ahold of one girlfriend and the two of us went over to her place. I think Jake and I were both in a semi-blackout state, because all I can remember is us jumping out a window, being chased by the girl's mom and then being chased by the police for trying to steal some lobsters. Then we somehow got back to my parents' house. Jake and I and an old girlfriend of mine went to my brother's room and slept there. The three of us all had breakfast with my parents and my girlfriend said she would drive us back down to Boston. I got dropped off at the same stoop and Jake skated off into the sunset. We would do hundreds of things like this together all the time, but this one stood out the most.
Jake went on to become this big legend in skateboarding and I went on to move to LA, got sober after a few years and became a production designer. Jake and I never lost touch, especially when someone passed. He felt comfortable enough to cry in front of me, to let all his emotions out. I am so grateful for the relationship we had and how he would always let his guard down when we were together. I am still in shock, but I know he loved me and I felt the same towards him. It's funny—this is the week Jake, his girlfriend Megan, my wife Margo and I were gonna move in together. Peace to his friends and family and all the kids he supported with skating. Jake was one of a kind and I just wish I could talk to him one last time. His last text to me was, "I told you I just want a bathroom and room for a desk, that's it! Get on it, Clambo!"

The Duke boys drove a souped-up hot rod and would rip around Hazzard county for whatever reason, stirrin' up shit. But the plot of the show usually had the same outcome—there was a bridge and it was washed out or blown up or who knows, the remnants always creating a launch ramp of sorts. So of course they had to decide if they were gonna jump it or not. The Duke boys would look at each other and ask the inevitable question, "Well... what do you think? Should we jump it?" The answer was, of course, always yes. They'd haul ass, clear the gap, land on the other side then exchange a, "Whew, we just made it" sort of glance. This was an inside joke with me and him. Only we knew the reference, time and place. Two stupid skaters just watching the clock until we could go skate. Well, this time the bridge was out again... and Jake didn't pull it. I love you, Jake. Hope all the bridges are intact wherever you are.

Jake was embarrassed by our ragtag, vagabond spin on an '80s glam rock version of skate punk costuming, but he was okay with it being a piece of his cultural puzzle. A couple of years later he coined the phrase "ninja pajamas" to describe the wacky look we had going. In the summer of 1984 I was back in Madison when I met a girl named Angie who was visiting from San Francisco—finally someone who would sport me a couch to crash on out west! This was shortly after Jake had been hit by a van while bombing down from upper Haight and compound fractured his leg. I remember saying to Glue, "Maybe a familiar face from out east will cheer Jake up." "I doubt that," Glue said, but I went anyway. That visit only lasted about three months, but just over a year later I made it back with reinforcements and SF has been my center of operations ever since. A decade later when the state of California decided that the new freeway that would replace the section of 880 that collapsed during the Loma Prieta earthquake would need to run right through Jake's West Oakland warehouse, he ended up staying with his girlfriend Windy on Capp Street in the Mission. The closest watering hole was the Uptown Bar at 17th Street. We spent so much time there that I ended up picking up shifts behind the bar. I still work there to this day, and I'm now a part owner. Jake came by the bar just a few weeks ago. Little did I know that would be the last time I'd see him.

So how does he cut through the hangover fog spinning in all of his wacky little friends, passed out on the linoleum? Jake turned on the TV news for a bit then he loudly proclaimed, "Hey, guys, wake up! They did it! They finally caught the Loch Ness Monster! It's all over the news!" We were all so psyched with the "news" that we were on our feet, cracking cold beers, high-fiving and hugging within seconds—fully celebrating this monumental scientific discovery! We started talking about going to Scotland to see Nessie and even a side trip to Stonehenge!
Jake kept us hyped for a few hours and someone finally spilled the beans about Jake's ruse to wake us up. He got us good! We did make it to the waterpark and had a slip sliding, sunburned frolic of a time. Why? Because Jake loved us and he wanted to show us newcomers some SF hospitality. Jake was a man of action, always ready for the next adventure, always pushing us to try harder. He often said, "Live it like you run it." He did just that. I'll always remember him for his brutal honesty, his wisdom, scholarly wit, his generosity and his unconditional friendship.

I begged my mom for a board, but the full deal was out of our budget. She looked to Jake, the guy in glasses finally noticed us. She asked what he could do for my board with $30. He said, "Give it here." Without asking permission he threw my set up on the workbench and started removing all the plastic accessories, "Get all this crap off here." He told me a new board wouldn't be shit with these big plastic wheels. He asked me, "You wanna go fast right?" and took me over to the wheel case. I nodded, and pointed to the fluorescent yellow Bullets. $24 for those, and $6 on some red, white and blue Schmitt rails made $30. But when he tried to remove the bearings from my old wheels they exploded all over the floor. My heart sunk. I considered that I might leave in worse shape than when I came in. But there was no way Jake would leave a skater hanging. GMN bearings were the cheapest Fogtown had and he figured out how to work a set into the deal. Jake handed me my board, now lighter and faster. He breathed new life into my piece of shit and that day he was my hero. We'd share important moments like these again and again for the next 30 years. And this would always be Jake's way with me. All gruff and intimidating at first, then he'd open his heart and reveal his tender side. I'll cherish these moments forever.

Once he was officially on staff it was only a matter of time before he made his way up. He was just so correct about skating. He spent so much time analyzing it, he was like a skateboarding scientist. Pair that with his photographic memory and you had this walking skateboard encyclopedia. I wouldn't say I was his mentor, but we knew that eventually Jake would become the editor. We challenged him and he certainly challenged all of us, but it was never in a way to try and one-up you, he just knew we could be better and felt that we owed that to skateboarding. Jake was 100-percent skateboarder and his presence was the embodiment of Thrasher and I always felt like just one percent of Jake could fuel most skaters for an entire lifetime. At the same time, there was a soft side to Jake, the part of him that really looked out for the people in his life, the guy who took his responsibility to skateboarding and the magazine very seriously. He held our readers in such high regard, even when he was talking shit. I miss our games of ping-pong, and he could also play a mean game of chess, but I'll certainly never forget the time I was sitting in my office during the holidays and felt this wave of heat at my window. I popped my head out and saw that Jake had dragged our Christmas tree out into the street, ornaments, lights, and everything, and torched the thing. Mentor, agitator, facilitator—Jake did it all.

Fast forward through several years that followed where Jake had worked his way up from Thrasher's shipping department, to Product Patrol writer, to an editor role working alongside myself and Brian Brannon as the magazine's editorial team. We put together the bible each month, generated quarterly videos and also made it a ritual to skate each and every Friday night at my private ramp facility (Studio 43) with our local friends and those visiting from other areas. This is where the Friday Night Hellride, which Jake coined, began. Those were insanely fun and great "high energy" times. Jake was a big proponent of the vert scene and without his involvement, SF would've become a street-only experience during early '90s as skateboarding's growth began to take a nap. Although Phelper didn't create Thrasher's "Skate and Destroy" or "Skate Rock" ethos, without question, he carried that time-honored torch and let it burn bright throughout his wide-ranging travels over the past three decades. Jake became the overseer of that flame and we certainly have to keep it blazing for skateboarding's core culture worldwide. It burns forever, Jake. Onward.

That night we skated and listened to Motörhead. "Don't be a pussy!" the old man yelled! Phelper made everyone roll in first try. Mr. Heckle, of course! Remember, kiddies, us baby boomers grew up in the '60s and '70s, you know, without seatbelts and sunscreen. We got heckled, teased, harassed, from all walks of life. Jake with his hard candy shell and soft, chewy center continued this motto. So it's toughen up buttercup, OR YOU'RE OUT. I appreciated Phelper's take-no-prisoner approach to life. He wore his emotions on his sleeve. He would berate you, bait you, talk shit about you and if he smelled fear, he would make you cry. BUT if you passed the Phelper test, you were a lifer. As time passed, he skated the line and clawed his way to the top in his leather vest to become the editor of Thrasher magazine. Skating is not about all the hype. Skating really boils down to who you like to roll with, just get out and DO IT! Jake rolled over the world to skate and spread the gospel. I'm gonna miss walking into Thrasher mag and going in Jake's office. It was like a candy store of who's who in the world of skateboarding—bits and pieces on the walls of former skate trips, mementos of days gone by, the Thrasher neon sign burning brightly behind his desk. Never forget Jake Phelps!

I had also seen Jake at Sam's vert ramp in Hunters Point. In fact, I'm sitting on the side of the ramp in his famous layback photo. I'm fully padded, too scared to skate and wearing a Thrasher shirt that's two sizes too big.
Not long after, Jake became something like a mentor, brother and father figure to me when he moved into the Phoenix Iron Works building where my mom lived. Jake skated, my mom skated and I skated, so it only made sense to have a vert ramp inside her newly-acquired warehouse. This ramp became the Widow Maker, named after Jake got bit by a black widow while sleeping under the ramp one night. He woke up in a feverish sweat, with a bite swelling on his arm the size of a bowling ball. The Widow Maker is where Jake and I really became die-hard vert skaters. No joke, Jake couldn't do a street ollie when I met him. I was trying to learn it while we were building the ramp. Laying a broomstick on its side, I repeatedly tried to ollie it and Jake joined in. A week later we could ollie a 2x4 on its low side. The next week we had it flipped up tall. After that, no small curb was safe. We had learned the street ollie and in our mutual delusion we checked that one off the list and continued on our vertical attack. Once I started to improve and learn tricks, Jake became incredibly encouraging of my ability and I mutually became his biggest fan. We skated the Widow Maker every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday—usually just the two of us. Jake would say insane stuff like, "If people ask about our sessions tell them, ‘It's just me and Jake and we skate for five hours straight, drinking only hot salt water!'" It was things like this that made me laugh at Jake but also love these outlandish stories he wanted people to believe. Oddly there was no need to fabricate stories.

Jake came home once with his shirt covered in blood. He had been stabbed on Haight Street after work one day. Blood-stained shirts, black eyes, swollen limbs, broken glasses and various injuries were commonplace. As a young kid, this was outrageous and foreign but completely intriguing. I was shy, quiet and a little bit scared of the world around me. Jake was the complete opposite. He was my friend and had my back and his huge personality showed me an example of how to be stronger, which completely empowered me. Those years at Phoenix Iron Works with our ramp the Widow Maker were some of the best of my life. I would never have became the person I am today without Jake's influence. Not always good times, but real-life contrast. As the years went on and Jake and I followed our own paths, we had our ups and downs. Jake and I can both be highly opinionated, hyper critical and egotistical at times. Sometimes I would see Jake as a completely different person, almost a caricature of himself. Possibly he viewed me in a similar way, but I never lost love for him. He'd call me randomly and tell me the same.
Cosmically, over the last few months Jake and I reconnected on a deeper level. He had seemed to soften a bit and was cleaning house with quite a few people. I can't ask why, but only feel blessed to be a part of it and to have had those last few memories with him. I love the man, I idolized him for years and continue to be inspired by how he lived his life and truly did it his way. "Mess with the best, die on the Widow Maker. Roll in or get the fuck out. Pine Street Mob forever." I'm going to miss you, Jake. Maybe I've said our relationship was love and hate, but I truly have nothing but love for you.

In the end I took a run and was trying to do frontside pivots, and he said he'd let me slide if I did the pivot. He knew that was a challenge to me and just wanted me to push myself in some way. I made myself roll in after this anyway, 'cause I just wanted his approval. It never made him heckle me any less, but I think he might have respected me a tiny bit after that. Jake cared about the really important things in skateboarding—friendship and good times. He just wanted everyone to get some.

Bob at the last session, 1994 / Photo: Dawes
When I got to the US from Brazil I thought everyone was all business. I grew up building towards that scene. There were guys who were sponsored at what they do, shoot photos, skate contests. Jake showed me another scene. He showed me the raw skateboarding. It's business, but it's raw first. That's where he was rooted. It wasn't skate every day so you can get sponsored, it was skate every day because you love it and you learn something new. Hang out with your friends and learn. The whole "Roll in or get out!" I thought that was funny as hell. I could roll in so it wasn't bad for me. Switch roll in? Whatever. I'd do whatever he wanted. He didn't care if you could skate or not, you were rolling in. He made this guy who could barely skate roll in. Jake pulled out a BB gun and was shooting at him to roll in. The guy rolls in and blows his shoulder. I used to trip at the fact that he would laugh at us slamming. I used to think, What an asshole. I started realizing that it is pretty funny. He could laugh because he skates. To this day, I laugh my ass off when people slam. People get weird at me and I say, "Listen, I can laugh." But if you don't skate you can't laugh. In Australia he was laughing at us. We start going down this hill in Tasmania; we were cooking. He was wearing a button-up shirt but it was all loose. He passes me, gets speed wobbles and goes flying, slides on his back and on his chest. He got the craziest burn. I could not stop laughing. That's when I got it. For the whole trip, he was having a hard time with his skin burn. In the sun and going in the water, he's just hating it. It was so funny. That was Jake and that was the rawness. He was okay with being laughed at.

When I got on the cover with the frontside air on the Widow Maker I sent him a letter and thanked him. He saved the letter for so long. He had never gotten a thank-you letter for giving someone the cover. I thought that was super cool that he kept it. I was there during that little transition time when he had to leave the warehouse with his ramp. I remember going in there for the last time with him. He's cruising around and saying goodbye. He went into each room and he did that crossing-kiss thing that Jake does. I realized that was a big phase for him, that he's transitioning onto the next. You see how much he puts in and how much he loved it. I remember him saying, "Hey, Bob, I think you're Skater of the Year." I looked at him like, Really, man? I didn't feel like I deserved it. I feel like most people would jump on it and be like, Woo! I really didn't know. I remember having that interaction. I told him, "I don't think I deserve it, Jake." He said, "That's why it's you." I don't want to start crying with these stories, but Jake was rad. Skateboarding will miss him. We will miss him. A lot of people realize how deep and how much of a soul of skateboarding Jake was and is. He's onto the next phase.

When I got on the cover with the frontside air on the Widow Maker I sent him a letter and thanked him. He saved the letter for so long. He had never gotten a thank-you letter for giving someone the cover. I thought that was super cool that he kept it. I was there during that little transition time when he had to leave the warehouse with his ramp. I remember going in there for the last time with him. He's cruising around and saying goodbye. He went into each room and he did that crossing-kiss thing that Jake does. I realized that was a big phase for him, that he's transitioning onto the next. You see how much he puts in and how much he loved it. I remember him saying, "Hey, Bob, I think you're Skater of the Year." I looked at him like, Really, man? I didn't feel like I deserved it. I feel like most people would jump on it and be like, Woo! I really didn't know. I remember having that interaction. I told him, "I don't think I deserve it, Jake." He said, "That's why it's you." I don't want to start crying with these stories, but Jake was rad. Skateboarding will miss him. We will miss him. A lot of people realize how deep and how much of a soul of skateboarding Jake was and is. He's onto the next phase.

He would push buttons in various ways, good and bad, but in the end the result was bringing the best out in people. His pushing brought the fire that made skateboarding turn up to volume 10. He was a great friend, skater, musician and motivator and had a photographic memory. He had an unfiltered fuck you attitude and didn't care what anyone thought about him. He was always there and will always be there. Skateboarding lost a great legend, but his screaming voice will be in our ears and hearts forever. See you on the other side of the ride, Jake!

The stories that have been rolling through my mind are too pure and sacred to try and put into words. They are the least boring stories in my memory. Skateboarding owes you nothing. We owe skateboarding our lives. He was a walking library and words, words, words just can't describe the impact he has had on every single person's life through skateboarding and his passion for life—felt across the globe. The flame will never go out. I love you, Jake, and there is no RIP because you're with us every day.

I don't live in San Francisco anymore, so I am so glad to have seen Jake recently and that he was happy and doing his thing. I went to visit him at Thrasher and we walked through the building and he showed me how he was working to digitize all the photos in their archive and wanted a photo of Danny Sargent I shot doing a 50-50 at the Everett Middle School rail and explained that area of the city was the start of everything. Jake and Schmitty had me on Thrasher Radio that day and we talked about old times and people. One of the people we talked about was Brian Ferdinand and the day the episode came out Brian texted Jake and Jake left me a voicemail saying how stoked he was. "Hey, Tobin, this is Jake. I just got a text from Brian Ferdinand. Can you believe it? We were just yappin' about him on Thrasher Radio, dude. Came out good. He was fuckin' hyped. Brian Ferdinand—little Brian Ferdinand says, "Big love." You know that shit, dude. C'mon. Where the Wild Things Are."

Like a wizard he would invoke a spell of understanding amongst the riders that would bind us as one. To complete a Hellride, aka any tour with Jake, riding along was no walk in the park. Quickly we unleashed fire and lightning one upon the other but to no avail. After the cheese had melted and reset and melted and reset x 666 we had become brothers. No stone was unturned in our conversations. Jake met my family and in turn inducted me into his family of Hellriders.

I won't list the family because it's too long and would require many books but my love goes out to you all. Becoming a part of you fellas has been a sweet part of my life. He would tell me about you fellas on fire and I'd say, "Bring them to me." He had a liking for underdogs and a memory beyond compare. A talent and caring for local tradition, i.e. past skaters and OG skate spots. Hellrides often involved past-recorded feats at legendary spots being upgraded by one or more of the boys.
Personal bests, too, were often achieved in many fields under his tutelage. Of course The Mag, as he called it, was a continual thread of shred between us. It was easy to forget he had a job and impossible to forget he was the editor of Thrasher. He was a dictionary of skateboarding, an ambassador like no other, a comic genius, a man who may turn out to have been omnipresent (future investigations into unseen video footage of him in one place and another at the same time).
He is, in short, perhaps the best. Also, Jake my bro, thank you for including Tania on every ride we had. Don't know how you did it, but I thank you for my girl being part of our family and I cherish the many times I have looked yonder and seen you and her having a laugh.

We were never buddies.
Nor were we bros.
We weren't so much enemies either.
Hard-headed adversarial frenemies?
Why not?
Reflecting upon a stockpile of experiences and memories spanning a volcanic decades-ago pre-internet/cellphone/laptop lifetime, I aimlessly search for some nugget to expand upon. And to no avail. All that emerges for me is how we'd grunt at each other in passing more often than we ever exchanged words.
We managed to piss each other off more than several times, and it used to remain to be seen who pissed off the other more.
Except now I guess I can't piss you off any longer, can I?
And also NOW, I'm a bit pissed that you're gone.
Jake for the win.
I stand proud to have known you, to have stood alongside you in the stark-raving moments of creating something amazing out of virtually nothing. I regret not having told you this.
There are so many who keep asking and feel the need to know just how you died.
How or why you ended doesn't matter to me.
What I find much more compelling is how you fucking lived on your own terms, and got away with it.
There are very few that I can point to as having lived as huge and as full of a life as you. You drove the bus longer than any of us.
Hail and farewell, Jake.
I'll never forget you.

I remember Five Docks in Australia when Jake almost died. It was crazy, at this old gnarly '70s pit, like 15-feet deep, no flatbottom. Jake was always the first one to call you out on a roll in—first trick at any new park or massive transition, stemming from his old ramp the Widow Maker where you had to roll in first or you couldn't skate. So we are at this monstrosity that is Five Docks and I could see Jake's timidness around the edge of the bowl. So immediately I yelled, "Roll in, motherfucker!" He had to pay. It was always a constant back and forth. Jake knew your weaknesses and preyed on them and it felt good to be able to return the favor. Jake rolls in, straight into the flat, head first. He went into gnarly convulsions, fully started shaking and foaming at the mouth. To Jake's credit, whenever anyone would slam or get hurt he was always the first one to get down there on the flatbottom and sort it out. He would always check if they were okay. He was always the immediate response. That always resonated with me. I loved that. The dude was gnarly and mean as a junkyard dog yet he was the first one running down and caring about people. Not only people, the dude had mad love for animals too. So when he fell I was immediately down there trying to revive him. I'm grabbing his tongue and trying to hold it so he wouldn't swallow it. He was going out and we couldn't have that. He went to the hospital with a fractured skull and severe brain swelling. He was in there for days. Then he came out the meanest motherfucker on Earth! It was so gnarly. I remember Julien, Arco and I having to sell his board and shit to pull it. He was furious, but road tax is a bitch!

I remember this one trip, Jake had brought a few of us out to Boston to skate the Cambridge pool. It was 12-feet deep and three feet of vert. This is where he grew up skating. I remember Jake showing us the lines to get all three deathboxes and how he loved that pool. We left there and headed to this sandwich spot around the corner. The owner was this old man, super old. The old man asked us where we were coming from. We told him that we were skating the Cambridge pool because it was empty, and that we were all from California. He then told us a story of the greatest skateboarder that skated that pool. "He was better than all the rest. A tall, skinny kid with glasses." The guy said his name, "Jake." Then Jake turns around and says, "That was me!" It was a trip to see how he was revered in his hometown. To me, growing up with Jake was like having a boxing coach around, a Cus D'Amato of sorts. He was always in my ear telling me when to throw a jab or the uppercut. It was always a cool vibe for me. Jake also had a rougher side to him. He always said what was on his mind and called a spade a spade, and because of his raw-ass attitude fake people stayed the fuck away. That energy transferred into the magazine and should be regarded for keeping kooks out and not letting weak shit fly. Jake didn't play that weak shit and we didn't either. Skateboarding is life and this shit will not be taken lightly. We need to hold onto that. I want people to say, "What would Jake do?" when they see people shitting on our culture. I want his spirit to continue. The door shouldn't be left open. He lived and died for this shit. We have to stay militant! We can't let the kooks and culture vampires infiltrate what is rightfully ours, the skateboarder's skateboarding! Rest easy, Old Man, we got it from here!

Around a year or so after first seeing Jake at The Dish, I'd started making a pest of myself around the skateshop where he worked. One day I was waiting for the bus up on Haight Street when who comes skating by... "Why are you waiting for the bus?" "I gotta go home." "Where do you live?" The thing is that this bus only went one place, so he already kinda knew I lived in the Mission. "I'm going that way too. You'll get there faster on your board. Let's go." I hesitated, did some quick math and said, "Okay," and we were off—down Haight, down Page, bomb across Diviz, wiggle down to Safeway, across the tracks and over to Dolores and another three beautiful blocks of downhill and then on to 16th Street and I knew exactly where I was again and I couldn't believe it! That's been there the whole time?! I believe Jake was living at a punk/art house called Mission A. He broke right up Mission Street and I kept going down 16th the last few blocks home. My mind was blown. That day was the beginning of my friendship with Jake. I also never waited for that bus again.
Anyone who's ever been friends with Jake knows how complicated that could be. Our friend Barry once said that being friends with Jake was like having a second girlfriend. He didn't always make it easy. But when I think over the miles and the outlandish nature of the worldwide quest for STOKE we were on, with John and Joey and Arc and Hubs and Preston and anyone else with the will and a plane ticket that could hang... well, what's the cost of that?
I feel compelled to try and wrap it all up in some epic nutshell 'cause that's what Jake would do, but that's not gonna happen. I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to understand what just happened over the last 35 years. But when it's at its clearest, the Van Halen will be blasting, the beers will be cold and the sesh will be on. 'Cause as complicated as Jake was, the ingredients for a good life are pretty fucking simple. And he lived it all the way.

Jake showed up with a dirty-as-fuck white t-shirt that had "I love crystal meth and satan" on the front and "Fuck Per Welinder freestyle fags" Sharpie markered on the back. He looked like a pitbull that'd been trying to chew through a cyclone fence for at least a few days.
Arco spent his last $40 on a burrito at 24th Street and a huge bottle of Jack Daniel's that got confiscated and miraculously returned at baggage claim. We were practicing our French for "suck my dick," which is "such ma bit." Our mantra changed on a daily basis from the gate.
First train from the airport to a guy named Bamba's pad. Cardiel had to part with $20 to get the fare-evasion pigs to leave us alone and we all blamed Joey for having us export heavy trucks instead of shirts. The fuckers weigh a ton and poke you in the ribs every chance they get.

Me and Skip were the randoms traveling with the editor of Thrasher, the best SOTY ever and the Indy team manager back when that was almost a curse. Marseille was all Cardiel, Barcelona was all Danny Sargent, who we stuffed under the train seats since he lost or sold his passport in Amsterdam. Sarge dropped into a huge statue of a book of matches when nobody else would and of course ate shit. Madrid was all Cardiel again, kind of like Münster, Germany, ‘cept he fucked up his $14.99 department store shoes at Plaza de Colón. In Münster he cleared around 200 people going from the vert ramp to the street course quarterpipe at Jake's request. Cards divided his remaining gear up and flew home a true winner, SOTY forever.
For Spain we all agreed it was worth the flight. Fuck the racists in Münster who had us jumped by security for our brown Native American brother, Archimedes. We don't forget, stupid roll-sport promoter. You make me embarrassed of being part German, and again, we don't forget that shit.
Amsterdam was killer, minus the lice we got from a cheap squat we slept at, and we still love Heineken and weed menus forever.
The UK was when Julien appeared and we actually had at least a piece of carpet to KO on. Them English breakfasts and steak and eggs are still the norm when things are going good.
Tom "The Rock" Boyle won vert and sent me to get beer to no avail. Queens Sunday or some stupid monarchy bullshit. The best part of North Hampton was Danny Way—drop in to varial 540 and go splat on the flat. The announcer was tripping when Danny climbed up the stairs with that mean look that only he has. Of course he stuck the 540 and a bunch of other shit, like standing up on frontside noseslides across three-or-four sheets of masonite. Besides putting a picnic table through the patio windows of a shitty pub that kicked us out, he stuck a picture-perfect 360 ollie over a long box at the last minute. Jake got the picture and I'm stoked to say that I forcefully smashed kooks out of the way to clear the tarmac. He told me and Joey he wished he smoked weed before contests sooner. The rumor is he now has three varieties of wine and morphine lollipops.
That was it. Met Phelps back in Paris and we stole every miniature on the 747 galley when the stewardesses weren't looking. Three seats each because the squares kept saying, "Take a shower," and we ventilated our stinky, blistered feet telling them to go get us one.

I was going big and those guys definitely motivated me to push it and land it. I just wanted to be part of the gang. I still want to be that. With Jake, both of us pushed each other and found out we both loved the same thing. That was the common denominator that really made us respect each other. We knew how much we really cared about what we were doing. Not about our jobs, not about the money, not about the fame, but about how much we loved and cherished skateboarding. Period. Doing it. The act of skateboarding with your friends. Burnside, with Jake, we wanted to push each other to stoke the homies. That's the ultimate in skateboarding, to stoke your bros—to celebrate that moment and push every one of us to do the same. You don't leave anyone out. That's what being in the van together is all about.

So that's when I woke up—just in time to start flying. It was a very strange thing, to go off the road when you're going that fast. The weirdest part for me was that it hit the ground and it would make a loud noise and then it was so quiet while we were flipping. Just flying through the air with silence and you know it's coming, you know something's coming. Then it would hit the ground, loud noise, then more silence, hit the ground, loud noise, more silence. We did that like two or three times and then I thought we were still flying. I thought it was never gonna end but after a couple seconds it was like, Oh shit, we're done flying now and I guess we're all still alive. Then Jake was like, "Hubbard? Dennis? Everybody okay?" We just crawled out of that thing and the first thing I said was, "You broke my headphones!" I don't know why the fuck I said that. I just had to say something. We hitchhiked to the closest town and went straight to the bar. At the bar we were kind of going over it and and Jake's like, "Yeah, you can punch me if you want to. I deserve it." I was like, "Yeah, you do," and I punched him as hard as I could in the face. And, oh, man, probably so many people are gonna vicariously live through this part of the story! I got a free punch to Jake's face and yeah, knocked his glasses off and knocked him off the barstool. I guess I pack a lot more punch than he thought. The bartenders didn't like that and they kicked us out but it was good fun. A lot of people say it about Jake, but he's the real deal. He was always true. Even when he was full of shit he was true in a weird way. He always stayed true to himself.

I don't need to be in those situations. It's too passionate to the point of losing friends. But I would say that having a voice in skateboarding where there's a real opinion is so necessary. Now that we lost one of the strongest, real opinions we're left with a lot of soft opinions and that's dangerous. Sometimes you need some voices that are too loud, too obnoxious, too mean, too whatever. Something has to hold the standard. You can't manufacture that. You can't manufacture those opinions; they're just there. I respect Jake 100 percent for standing up for his opinions. But I hope he and Joey squashed it.

No one could ever replace Jake and his knowledge bank or charisma that drove his ability to be the face and voice of skateboarding's only true bible: Thrasher magazine. Jake and I have had a bond since I was a young teen because we both shared the same true passion and mindset that drove the commitment to our processes. Jake and I discussed so many things about skate history and the future of skateboarding over the years. He not only inspired me but he educated me as well. I have learned so much about skateboard history from him and we have also manifested visions together that drove my progressive mindset of pioneering new innovations with ramp designs and trick ideas. Jake always had my back and always supported everything I did which meant so much to me over the years. I really appreciated him for that and loved him deeply. Jake was the truth and he will never really die. Maybe his body has, but his voice, energy and spirit will always live inside me and skateboarding forever.

So one day Jake asked me, "All South American guys have nicknames. What's yours?" And I told him that some people called me Labucha and others just Bucha. So he said, "Your last name, it's too hard to pronounce. You are from Argentina, you love meat and your hands look like knives when you skate. You are the Butcher! Chop-chop!" I laughed, grabbed my Spanish-English pocket dictionary, looked up "butcher" and when I saw "carnicero" I thought, That's perfect. I will never forget the day that Phil died. I was devastated, I wanted to go back home but Jake grabbed me around my neck and told me, "I got your back, kid!" We did some miles; we talked for hours; we skated it all. Wherever you went, I hope you are getting some.
Love you.

Wheels screaming down Dolores, one final ride.
Too much too soon, but never enough
for you.
You gave us juice, you put our whole
crew on.
Kid coming down the mountain, face
of impending doom, you wrote those rules for us to enjoy, month after month you kept us going.
You gave it all to this thing, our way of life. It burns you down, but brings you up the highest and you were hooked on it more than me.
Wish I coulda took one more ride
with you, Old Man.
Not a day goes by that I don't think
of you.
Eternally grateful to be your friend.
I love you, Old Man.

Once, we picked up two girls and died laughing when one gave him a foot massage and smelled his feet. We watched a riot in Quito, Ecuador while sitting on top of the fullpipe in bewilderment. He was a tough nut with soft spots and called it like it was. You were either in or you were OUT! He was the truest skateboarder I know, a beacon of keeping it real—a part of skateboarding is gone now and there's no one in line to fill his shoes. He used to say, "Skateboarding owes you nothing; you owe everything to skating." Well, I think we all owe a thank you to Jake, a fist pump, finger to the sky, a "Get some, fucker!" I love you, Jake, and hope we'll see each other again.

Next step, Jake insisted we go and see her play in the band she was currently in, as somewhat of an audition. So Jake and I happened to be in Los Angeles at the same time as Ashley. We were there for the Vans Downtown Showdown. She was there playing her last gig in this all-girl psychobilly band at the Knitting Factory off Hollywood Boulevard. It was some "spooky, fuzzy dicer fest" as Jake would say. It was pretty funny seeing him amongst the brightly colored pompadours in his John Dillinger shirt. Jake was pretty satisfied on what he saw when Ash finally hit the stage. He knew right away this was it. This was the third piece of our puzzle. In his true fashion he split without finishing the show and without saying later.

Back at the hotel, when we all converged in our room, we went ballistic. Not only did we start the band, it was Ashley's 23rd birthday and cause for celebration! Jake ordered Ash a dessert that ended up all over the floor. He was at full volume, screaming, "Murder, murder!" or "Kill, kill, kill!" He created a crime scene of ketchup and was just really hyping us up on this band idea of his. He said he wanted songs about murder, killing, death, partying, friends and skating. We were ready to get fucking noisy, obnoxious, travel, skate and be the best/worst party band in skateboarding. Jake ordered Dave Smith to take the band's first photo. Here it is, thanks to Jake. Jake made Shit happen.
Bad Shit.

The next morning, we hop on a train to some town near a beach. We still can't recall the name of it. We went up to someone's house in the hills. Mansion party! Okay, a big stage built on a huge lawn. We were into it but it was taking forever and Jake was making everyone know he was over waiting and antsy to play, "NOW, NOW, NOWWWWW!" We finally got on stage to play, but Jake just simply forgot how to play every song. Or any song. We couldn't get through one fucking song. We start getting booed and shit thrown at us. I screamed at Jake to play or get the fuck off the stage. I said, "The band is a joke and you're done." Bad Shit broke up on stage. He walked away laughing. Tony and I played some of the set. The plug was pulled and replaced with the techno garbage they were playing earlier. We slept at the mansion, but the next morning had a rude awakening. The Spaniards wanted us out of their house. They hadn't slept. They were laughing like hyenas and kept spraying all four of us with hoses out front. Jake flipped them off and hopped on his board. I hopped on mine and followed him. The street appeared mellow, but I started gaining speed fast and a car came the opposite way. I got the wobs and went down hard. I turned around to see P-Stone walking the hill and he told me that my slam was in the memory banks forever. Tony was pissed that I even attempted the "mellow" hill bomb. I was so pissed, I threw my board at a parked car and it bounced back, popping me in the shin. Frustration station, marination station and now we need to find the fucking train station to get out of this hell hole. Pushing in the sweltering heat—again—and looking for a bus to take to a train station to get back to Barcelona felt endless. We were sitting in this hot bus-stop box waiting on a bus that was never coming, and that's when Jake looked at me, sweating profusely, smiled and said, "Damn, this is a motherfuckin' Hellride, Trix." I agreed; it was hell.
We finally flagged down a cab that would only take two people at a time. I was in the first one and the driver took us to an abandoned train station. I think I blacked out in the heat wave, because I have no clue how I found the right place with no more money, mobile or map. Eventually we all somehow got to the right station. We hit the marble floor and just melted. Jake kept a smirk on his face, and would laugh out loud with grunts, "UHHH, UHHH, UHHHHHH!" echoing in that station. Even when the suffering peaked, he always wanted more.

Most of these drawings I did were Jake's ideas. He just needed someone to translate the chaos in his brain into art, whether it was for the mag or for a t-shirt to sell during Skate Rock or both. I'm talking about Jake Phelps the art director and how he would come up with these sick ideas and I would draw 'em up! A match made in hell, we were.
I usually don't let anyone tell me what to fuckin' draw—ever—but Jake and I were both on the same fuckin' page—bouncing ideas back and forth, word play, figuring out names for the article, headlines and other shit. Within minutes we would have the whole shit figured out, all while you were still in bed sleeping, cuddling up with your pillow or girlfriend if you got one, but probably pillow.

The ideas he would come up with were always sick. Sometimes it was as if he could predict how the trip was gonna go, 'cause in Africa we burnt that place to the ground! Not literally—I mean, some fires were us but not all of them! We escaped death there too. Our brakes went out in the van on the steepest dirt hill in Africa and we were heading to our doom until Nuge saved us by crashing the runaway van into a house. We all get out of the van and Jake stayed in it and he was just laughing—laughing at how we all just escaped death. We left Africa spent and tired. We gave it everything we had and we burnt that place down just like he said in the drawing! It really felt like we became the drawing I did for the trip.
Another seven AM call: "It's on! Skate Rock! We're going from Detroit to New York. It's gonna be fuckin' brutal! They're gonna need a fuckin' army to stop us! That's it! Draw up one of your demons going up against the entire city and the army. The demon is fighting them off with his board or some shit." "Hell yeah, Jake. I got you!" I would get to workin' on the new drawing and I would be so hyped to draw it because I already knew how sick the trip was gonna be. That was the deal: I draw it up—I get on the trip. I was already going but doing the drawing was a sure in. Thirty minutes after I got the call to do the drawing, Jake calls. "You done?!" "What? I just hung up the phone with you, Jake. It'll be done tonight," I say. He comes back with, "Neck, there's no time. We need it now." I say, "Chill, Jake, there's time. There's always time to die." Then he says, "That's it. We're calling it that: ‘There's always time to die.' Perfect."

I finish drawing up the Skate Rock monster fighting off the entire city and army, helicopters and shit, straight Godzilla style. I turn it in and Jake says, "Hell yeah, Neck! Let's do this! Let's get on the fuckin' road!" That trip was insane. Sure enough we all turned into my drawing, just like he said, 'cause we were fighting every city we went to. We all turned into that monster I drew. Helicopters were lookin for us, cops and shit. It was nuts. Whenever he would tell me to draw up these crazy ideas they always made sense and never felt out of my league. Demons and skating? Yeah, I got that shit.
For Skate Rock Mexico, he already had a name. He wanted to call it "In Cold Blood." "Can you say that shit in Mex?" he asked me 'cause I'm Mexican. "En sangre fria," I replied, "Yes, hell yes." Again, I could hear him foaming at the mouth like a pitbull about to be let loose inside a mini mall. He was hella excited and I was too.
"We need a fuckin' demon skating a grave, 'cause we skating your grave when you dead, son!" he yelled." And draw a guy coming out of the grave trying to grab his fuckin' board." "Ha! Sick, Jake. I'll get right on it." I draw it up and turn it in and he says it's perfect. "We're family, Neck. We work good together." "Hell yeah, Jake. We family forever."

About an hour after I heard that P-Stone had passed I get a call from Jake. This time he's pissed and I could hear it in his voice. He says, "I need Preston coming out of the fuckin' grave with a camera in one hand and a fuckin' brew in the other!" Then he hung up! That's all he said. No "sorry for your loss" or any of that shit. I didn't know what the drawing was for but I wasted no time and got to drawing with tears in my eyes 'cause we just lost our friend. I finished it just like Jake said and showed it to him. He said, "Perfect. Thanks. Big love, Neck." We made shirts and sold them, then gave all the money to Stone's family and that was that.
Now that my friend Jake's dead and gone, I ask myself: How the hell would Jake want me to draw him now that he's gone? Chillin' with some angels up in heaven with angel wings and shit? Nah. Maybe Jake throwing up a peace sign with a sick banner with his name on it below? Hell the fuck no! How about Jake as a demon rolling into a crusty burnt-up ramp that goes straight into the depths of hell, with hands reaching up from the fire, P-Stone and Hubbard's tombstones in the background and at the top write "My friends are gonna be there too." Hell yeah! Now that sounds more like it, Jake! Coming right up, Old Man! This one's for you! Forever, Jake! For fuckin' ever! Love, NECK.

"I was just hyped to skate with my friends! It's all good. I got AAA," he explained. And we were hyped to skate with him. It was nothing but pure stoke. In between runs we would sit on the ledge and talk about skating, music and traveling. Those conversations solidified my dream of working for Thrasher. He encouraged me to get a camera, shoot photos of my friends and submit whatever. Jake made my dream a reality. Thank you for everything. Skateboarding don't owe us shit, but we owe it to you to skate every day we can.

About two days before my first Skate Rock we were at a bowling alley and he asked if I was in a band. I said, "No." He said, "Well, Figgy is right there so start a band and I'll see you in Australia in two days!" We almost named the band 48 Hours for obvious reasons, but ended up naming it LSDemon. That was one of the craziest trips I've been on—ever! That was my first Skate Rock. And just like that, the crew that was on that trip became forever a part of this traveling circus, if you will. He is the one that always got the crew together. He always said, "Let's stay on the road. Let's do this forever for the ones who can't." We've played and skated in the grungiest places known to man, for instance, a South African ghetto called Soweto. These people had never even seen a skateboard or heard that kind of music. And this was all Jake's call. He wanted to go to these places that no skater had gone and blow these kids' minds and leave a mark when we left. Leave an imprint of what we thought skateboarding should be—which is to travel the world and have a good time doing it with your friends. And also leave some supplies for them to grow into and hopefully go back one day and see the progression. Fast forward seven Skate Rocks and plenty of miles, a lot of funny shit has happened.
I've seen him walk into a store, grab whatever and just walk out. Who is gonna question this old dude? And if they do he just mumbles some shit and he's gone. He's no angel but he's not a bad guy either. He walks that fine line where either you wanna hate him or absolutely love him. We got kicked out of China and had to retreat to Thailand. After hours of waiting in the customs line, Phelps finally made it through, only to yell, "Fuck yesssssss!" as loud as he could out of pure stoke. Nope, went straight into isolation for three hours of questioning. They thought he said "Fuck you," to the customs agents, but once again he pulled it together and made it into Thailand. He would always ask, "Who the fuck gets to do this?" And he was right. Don't ever take shit for granted. I asked him once, "How much do these trips cost?" He replied, "Maybe our lives." Plain and simple and with a straight fucking face. When he would say things they would resonate in my brain. I would find myself repeating them over and over in my mind.

He's a true road warrior, always screaming, "Turn it up!" even when it's already turned up. He's the guy that could get lost but was never lost because that's just where he wanted to be. You can't be lost if you don't have a destination. He was an encyclopedia of not just skateboarding, but music and history in general. He knew a lot about a lot.
Also, the way he lived was him everyday. He wasn't acting like Phelps—he WAS Phelps and it was an amazing thing to witness. There will never be another Jake Phelps.
I called him "bud" once and he said, "I ain't your buddy. I'm your fucking friend. Don't call me bud." You were right, my friend, and for that I'm gonna miss having those talks with you. I know you're up there watching so I'm gonna try my best not to kook it!
To end it I'm gonna leave you with some of my favorite quotes from the man himself: "Get in the fucking van!, Turn it up! Let's get the fuck outta here! Burn it down! Skateboarding doesn't owe you shit."

Jake saw a lot over the years and I always had a feeling that he needed to keep rolling in order to stay excited and avoid any dull moments. This is something that is very common about people that are highly intelligent. Anyone that ever had the chance to engage in a conversation with Jake in a quiet moment surely noticed his knowledge, which consisted of way more than just skateboarding.
We covered a lot of ground on that trip and I really got to know him well through the conversations we had over coffee in the mornings. He helped me discover and learn a lot about myself—in a way that you would learn by talking to an older brother or uncle. We talked about our families, growing up and what skateboarding had taken us through and brought to us. He was always honest and straightforward, which might have been harsh for some people at times. His vision of life, which he always translated with skateboarding, gave me confidence and strength which I apply to many facets of my life today.
I got the news of his passing right when I was preparing to head to Greece again. I started off with a heavy heart thinking about the last trip, because both Jake and Preston were with us. Looking back and remembering everything Jake ever said to me motivated me to go into the trip and make it a memorable one, exactly like he would have wanted it. There was such a strong energy present at every session, like they were both always watching. I'm gonna always think he is right there, still watching and yelling, "GET SOME!"
Rest in peace, my friend. I'll always miss you and will never forget you. Thank you for everything.

When I first got to know Jake I used to think he lied about all this bad shit. No one could ever actually have all that stuff happen to them in one lifetime, right? Well, apparently James Kendall Phelps, aka Jake, had been given many lives. From being woken up in a hotel by a car crashing into your room to rapping out with Bobby Brown at LAX to rolling a car in the middle of Australia to telling Adam Sandler he sucks, the stories go on for days but are all true. I'm gonna miss that fucker. Jake and Destroy por vida! No black socks, no cargos after 30 and big loops equals big kooks. Thanks for all the knowledge and proudly reppin' the SF craze, Phelper. One-of-a-kind doesn't even begin to tell his story but I hope the combined messages in this mag can. Big love.

At his worst, Jake was an adult still doing the stuff that we all secretly want to do, but don't for whatever reason. Maybe because we'd grown up a little more than he had. Maybe because some part of our brains says Don't risk it or Don't embarrass yourself or something along those lines. He'd yell at idiots doing whatever idiots do. He'd start fights with people about terrible music. He'd throw bottles in the street just to watch them shatter. He'd drink too much, actin' the fool, and still be up before anyone the next morning, forcing them to get on his schedule. At his worst, that tough love was there, but Jake would take delight in the pain it caused his friends and acquaintances simply because even when he was piled out he was usually still right.

At his best, Jake made us examine ourselves. If we were doing something that we could be proud of, he'd recognize that and he'd say so, and he had a knack for realizing the power of a few simple words and a little slap on the shoulder. If we were kooking it, we'd be better for Jake setting us straight. Jake realized that he was the man, slowly built up into that position by a lifetime of just being true to himself and to his favorite thing in the world, skateboarding. And by being that guy, by being the man, our fearless leader, he knew that a few encouraging words, either to a peer, or a journeyman, or to a young hopeful apprentice, would have a long-lasting impact and that skateboarding, and skateboarders, would be better for it. I'm going to miss Jake terribly, mostly because of how he made me feel about myself. But also, as many others have pointed out, because he was the standard by which skateboard lifers with a certain attitude measured themselves and their behavior. Jake wasn't Jesus by a long shot, but there were a lot of us who asked ourselves on a regular basis, WWJD?

I always loved that. He said, "Don't skate AT me; skate with me." It was important to me that Jake thought I was doing a good job and skating hard. He never cared if you were tech, gnarly, tranny, street, whatever—all he wanted is that we get out and get some! One of the last days we spent together he gave Stella a tour of Thrasher, dropped a bunch of knowledge on her, we skated Double Rock, they did back-to-back grinds on the quarterpipe, he made fun of her colorful grip and told her, "Don't ever do layback airs." I love you, Jake, and I know you are watching us.

We spent a lot of time in the car together, lurking around SF, bouncing from Roxie's to Ganim's to Moonlight Deli, in search of the sammie at the end of the rainbow. While I share his passion for the sandwich, it's his companionship that I'll always cherish. Jake made me laugh until my stomach quaked and my eyes were like faucets. Just us two cruising, debating the merits of random bullshit. What a sublime experience.
Skateboarding lost an idol, San Francisco lost an icon, but I lost my older brother. Life is short, time is fleeting, and all I want is five minutes and a chicken sandwich with my friend. —Tony Vitello

Kaya and Jake
He wasn't "Jake Phelps from Thrasher magazine" to me. He was my dad's friend who once came to Thanksgiving, drank all my grandparents' wine and charmed everyone in the room. He was also the person I called these past ten months when I wanted to call my dad and his voicemail wasn't enough. Because Jake would always pick up with some tough love, a great story and some way to make me smile. I count myself incredibly lucky to have known him. I think the world should be grateful we had him and I know anyone who knew him will miss him. Big love, Uncle Jake.
Gravette’s “worst haircut.” KOTR, 2010 / Photo: Hsu
Jake and Nora Vasconcellos, KOTR 2017 / Photo: Brook
I would see Jake almost every day either at Potrero park or skating around the City. That guy lived skateboarding. There was never a time I saw him without his board. Love him or hate him, one thing I can say about Jake is that he definitely looked out for a lot of youngsters at Potrero. He gave a lot of those kids their first skateboard and he was the reason a lot them still skate today. I'm going to miss seeing him around the City.
Giving out trophies was one of his favorite things. KOTR 2016 / Photo: Broach
My head went numb when I heard about this. RIP, Jake Phelps. He taught all us 11 year olds how to front rock at Sunnyvale, saying, "Fuck school; do front rocks!" It blows my mind that he can no longer be that person skating down the street, face calcified with history, a moving statue of himself. Thank you, Phelps, patron saint of skateboarding.
Jake told me that when anyone asked me what my favorite animal was, I should tell 'em, "The owl," and put my middle finger in the air.
Thrash N Burn. Quito, Ecuador, 2018
(August 1993) The first week I worked at Thrasher Jake walked up to me, put his middle finger in my face and said, "Fuck you."
Holy shit.
I almost used an exclamation point just now, but at Thrasher, according to Jake, we don't use exclamation points. That's for Transworld and fake-ass marketing goons trying to hype up skateboarding. Thrasher tells the truth and the truth is too gnarly for most. No exclamation points needed.
After that I was afraid of Jake and that is a beautiful thing. It sucked, no doubt. Fuck, it hurt. But skateboarding isn't little league. Not everyone gets a trophy. Jake came from the era of hazing and that was part of what made Thrasher what it is. The older guys were dicks. That was one of the things that made it so special to land a job at the mag. You had to pay your dues; and I continued paying those dues until I told Jake to fuck off right back.
People always told me, "Jake's an asshole because he cares." I do believe he cared more than anyone. When I was strung out and about to lose my job, Jake was the one who confronted me, warning me to get my shit together or else I was going to get fired. He relished confronting people and for all his hatred of authority he was an authority. He made Thrasher the authority. It was so rad when he would call you into his office. I would jump up, and it was rarely good. But that type of authority can build strength. Suffering is good for you.

Over the years Jake became less of a bulldog around the office. He was still a dick, but his day-to-day duties became less and less and he spun into more of a trip organizer and hype man. He just did his thing and really didn't give a shit what anyone thought. He became a symbol of Thrasher and we pretty much kept him on the road all the time. Somewhere in there Bad Shit started and the Skate Rock era was all-time Jake. One of the best if you ask me.
My favorite memory of Jake was the weekend we spent doing the Volcom-Spitfire collab party in Arroyo Grande in 2015. I brought my son, Aidan, and we were all skating and "camping out." Shit, Jake doesn't sleep. I don't think he even had a sleeping bag. He stayed up drinking and talking shit the entire night. There was no escaping it. Classic. Jake let me know he respected that I showed up and brought my son. "All hands on deck." That was the dedication that he was all about and it felt good to be part of the family.
Jake kept up his travels and I admit I scoffed when he started Thrasher Radio. A fucking Internet radio show? How out of touch was this guy? That was Jake's final trick. He didn't change. The world changed around him. Social media exploded and Jake found himself a "brand ambassador" with a "podcast." He went out at the forefront of new media. The fucker pulled it.
He waited around long enough to see Transworld pull the plug and clocked out guitar in hand. My fucking hero. God bless you, Jake Phelps, the master teacher of ego destruction. The parts that matter never die. Skate and Destroy. Burn it to the ground. Viva Phelps.
No turning back, 2016 / Photo: Yelland

Holy shit.
I almost used an exclamation point just now, but at Thrasher, according to Jake, we don't use exclamation points. That's for Transworld and fake-ass marketing goons trying to hype up skateboarding. Thrasher tells the truth and the truth is too gnarly for most. No exclamation points needed.
After that I was afraid of Jake and that is a beautiful thing. It sucked, no doubt. Fuck, it hurt. But skateboarding isn't little league. Not everyone gets a trophy. Jake came from the era of hazing and that was part of what made Thrasher what it is. The older guys were dicks. That was one of the things that made it so special to land a job at the mag. You had to pay your dues; and I continued paying those dues until I told Jake to fuck off right back.
People always told me, "Jake's an asshole because he cares." I do believe he cared more than anyone. When I was strung out and about to lose my job, Jake was the one who confronted me, warning me to get my shit together or else I was going to get fired. He relished confronting people and for all his hatred of authority he was an authority. He made Thrasher the authority. It was so rad when he would call you into his office. I would jump up, and it was rarely good. But that type of authority can build strength. Suffering is good for you.

Over the years Jake became less of a bulldog around the office. He was still a dick, but his day-to-day duties became less and less and he spun into more of a trip organizer and hype man. He just did his thing and really didn't give a shit what anyone thought. He became a symbol of Thrasher and we pretty much kept him on the road all the time. Somewhere in there Bad Shit started and the Skate Rock era was all-time Jake. One of the best if you ask me.
My favorite memory of Jake was the weekend we spent doing the Volcom-Spitfire collab party in Arroyo Grande in 2015. I brought my son, Aidan, and we were all skating and "camping out." Shit, Jake doesn't sleep. I don't think he even had a sleeping bag. He stayed up drinking and talking shit the entire night. There was no escaping it. Classic. Jake let me know he respected that I showed up and brought my son. "All hands on deck." That was the dedication that he was all about and it felt good to be part of the family.
Jake kept up his travels and I admit I scoffed when he started Thrasher Radio. A fucking Internet radio show? How out of touch was this guy? That was Jake's final trick. He didn't change. The world changed around him. Social media exploded and Jake found himself a "brand ambassador" with a "podcast." He went out at the forefront of new media. The fucker pulled it.
He waited around long enough to see Transworld pull the plug and clocked out guitar in hand. My fucking hero. God bless you, Jake Phelps, the master teacher of ego destruction. The parts that matter never die. Skate and Destroy. Burn it to the ground. Viva Phelps.

Typing this up and thinking about it, because he is dead, I want to go see if the five-dollar bill is in her porcelain bank, like I can hold the bill and somehow get a little bit more of him that will be gone now. He always seemed to make it clear if I was talking about someone deceased in the present tense he would say, "They dead." Maybe the reality of death, the difference between the two for him, made him enjoy life and appreciate it. He would get mad at me at times. I felt like he was family to me so I didn't care if he was mad. Whatever, I'd say in my mind. Staying at his house when I was down and out was cool. He had a very comfortable, old type of way that he would keep his cave, if I may. Sometimes I would talk with him about skateboarding. Mostly we just did skating. When he wanted to talk about stupid skate-groupie-type stuff, he knew I wasn't into that. We got into a big fight while on a skate trip up north around Portland or Seattle or someplace. Ironically, it involved another five-dollar bill. He kept pestering me to autograph a five-dollar bill. I told him, "Come on, man. Leave me alone." He kept pushing it. I said some pretty mean things to him, that he held the best skate groupie position that there could be. Jake was it. He lived it. He thrived at it and he made what I said and the way I felt about him not true. And I think that's cool that he proved me wrong. I always wanted him to put a helmet on. I was worried he would end up with head trauma that would effect his motor skills, you know, like a vegetable or something. I had concern for him like a family member or a loved one and he would say, "Shut up." It's crazy to think I will never hear him say that again under his breath with a hint of concern. I'm not sure how this is gonna sound, but it doesn't really matter what your feelings about Jake are now because he is dead. So God bless him. Amen.

- Tribute Gallery
- Jake Phelps
- Tony Vitello
- Andy Strachan
- Kevin Day
- J Mascis
- Seanzo Murray
- Ian MacKaye
- Frank Lannon
- Al Barile
- Clam Lynch
- Tommy Guerrero
- Piston Pete Turner
- Ron Posner
- Nate Shapiro
- Sam Smyth
- Kevin Thatcher
- Bryce Kanights
- Salba
- Max Schaaf
- Onio Thompkins
- Dan Jagger Ball
- Bob Burnquist
- Omar Hassan
- Jason Jessee
- Tobin Yelland
- Tony Hawk
- Lee Ralph
- Mofo
- Maria Martinez
- John Cardiel
- Julien Stranger
- Salman Agah
- Arco
- Christian Hosoi
- Dennis Busenitz
- Lance Mountain
- Peter Hewitt
- Danny Way
- Diego Bucchieri
- michael burnett
- Jim Greco
- Lance Dawes
- Tony Trujillo
- Ashley 'Trixie' Trujillo
- Neckface
- Tommy Sandoval
- Byron Ortega
- Sean Gutierrez
- Jordan Joseffer
- Grant Taylor
- Justin Figueroa
- Sammy Baca
- Pedro Barros
- Evan Smith
- Chris Pfanner
- Torey Pudwill
- Ewan Bowman
- Schmitty
- Mark Waters
- Brian Anderson
- Andrew Reynolds
- Frank Gerwer
- Geoff Rowley
- Scarfing Material
- Kaya Hawk Hubbard
- Chico Brenes
- Mark Suciu
- Waylon Trujillo
- Eben Sterling
- Rye Beres
- Mark Gonzales
- Wheatberry
- Pete Colpits
- Mice Reyes
- Don Nguyen
- Ryan McWhirter
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