Highways and Byways
Posted: March 9th, 2010
Words & photos by Ben Karpinski

Got to jump in the van and go up to Santa Barbara with the Habitat team on their "Highways and Byways" tour.

Finally got to check out the Church of Skatan which is located in an actual old church.

Got the grand tour over at Powell. I managed to sneak off a few photos walking around.

They still cut all the bushing out by hand.

Thanks Michael!

The dudes headed to the Santa Barbara park to shake some hands and kiss some babies.

Push Skateshop has an archive

"My three goals in life are to sign the bricks at Push, win Tampa, and get SOTY." –Man Child
Austyn Gillete, nollie half-Cab 50-50

Skate Exhibit in Santa Monica

Again, had to sneak off the photos but they had some heavies on the wall and I couldn't help it.

Pushing Priests

D. Gar met up mid way into the trip
Daryl Angel, switch ollie up six

What, you think they only show up at Baker demos?
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