Halloween Hellride 2017 Photos
Diamond and Thrasher kicked off their 6th annual Halloween Hellride this year with a new contest formula, integrating a fresh street course mixed with the classic bowl-style jam for maximum chaos. With upped cash prizes and a best-costume contest, it was no wonder these dudes went in as hard as they did. —Papke

Friendly talks with the Phelper before the crowd rolls in
Lizzie decided to make it out this year. Chai tea in hand, of course
Our host for the evening, accompanied by a mystery guest killing it in an Eli Reed costume
Pretty straight forward that the Canadian comes as a hockey player
Jason in the house. Now who could this be…
…of course it's just Franky, pictured here with boy scout Dan
Hoping to see Ish take this costume to the streets asap
Pop up Nine Club show with funk master SOTY K-Walks himself
Great to see that Andy Mac still rolls out to these things
Why so serious, Sebo?
Zion going big during practice with the mask off
'80s D-Vargs coming through with the style. Take notes on that back foot, kids
Going straight to the backside air was the icing on the cake
Dr. Webb taking a short beverage break before the contest creeps around
VA coming through, claws and all
Afro gang. Who wore it best?
Patrick Ryan going full speed up and around the corner during practice
Gold chains are make or breaks for a costume
Dennis Rodman and inmate Walker enjoying some cold ones courtesy of PBR
Wouldn’t be Halloween if we didn’t have Stone Cold in the building. Gavin Denike loving every second with this one
Definitely gonna be feeling it in the morning
Rye trying to get Stone Cold off of his lens with guest Tom Petty
The Money Team and the Blackouts. Not a bad combo for the night
“How does this thing work again?”
Not all too sure what Appleyard was going for but Aaron Brown does a hell of a job dressing as himself
Wouldn’t be a party without the Florida boys. Note: Jamie Foy’s killer costume of himself. Real creative, kid
It sure is one hell of a drug
Was real surprised to see two of these things floating around. Planned or coincidence?
Hype before the contest pops off. Matching boards we’re not part of the costume
Hold up. K-Walks crossing
Breaking Bad inspired Cody Chapman, flicking in from the top ropes
All those hockey pads can't help with the flexibility
Who knew UPS guys could take it fakie? Box in hand, of course
A little cut on the elbow isn’t going to stop Mr. Hale from delivering the package
P-Hart getting all dressed up for this front crook
Fresh blood on the face, Tom takes it backside down the gap
Now over to the bowl section: Patrick Ryan taking it to the wall no problem
Remillard taking the classic 50-50 yank to new heights.
Everyone was catching some air as the night went on
Backing it up, this time to disaster
McClain coming off the hip in style
Never a bad time to drop the Canadian flyout
Tempers were flaring once Franky Villani hijacked Decenzo’s board after snapping his own tail
There's that hockey temper we all love. Getz would be proud
Only left with trucks and a mask after the Red Dragon beat down
Jesus and judges alike deliberating on the final results
Mayweather doesn’t lose. Phelps hooking up Dashawn for best costume
Mandatory selfie with best dressed
Everyone started coming up on a little cash
Even the UPS guy got some. Not a bad koozie either
Franky was still hyped on third even though Decenzo left him boardless
Big Boy Foy coming in second with TJ Rogers in first!
Not too bad of a come up for a night at a costume party. Not sure how this is going to convert to Canadian money, though
No a better way to close out the night than with chicks and fire. Unfortunately, we got shut down due to overcapacity shortly after. Thanks for the fun time, Diamond!

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