Halloween Hellbomb 2024 Photos
There is no Halloween without the Hellbomb. Good thing it returned once again with some of skateboarding's most fearless heroes. After moving from the City of Long Beach, the Hellbomb found a new home in Los Angeles, outside of Dodgers Stadium. With support from Monster Energy, Dickies Skateboarding, Vans and Keen Ramps, we had all the pieces for an unforgettable ride. Oh, and did we mention the Joker is back for more? —Alex Papke
Photos by Bailey Schreiner and Alex Papke
First things first, let's call in the homie towing service
Hats off to the Hellbomb founders: Bobby Bils, Kyle Walsh and Austin Leleu
When Monster is the presenting sponsor, you know the gear's gonna get out of hand
Ed Duff took the opposite approach. Not the most slam-friendly fit
Shaun of the Dead and a lifesize Hot Cheeto were on interview duty
Taylor Ballard gets extra creativity points for dressing up as himself getting impaled by a sign at last year's Hellbomb
When I said the Monster merch was going crazy, I hadn’t even seen the pit team yet
Full visibility is a must for this course
Destin Dern followed in suit with his brothers as Harvey Dent
"Got the coffee!" Garret Hill can't catch a break on caffeine duty
Scooters are a no-go at these things
Case in point. Get this man to the EMT
Ali G in the house. Booyakasha!
The first ramp came out, and everyone was fightin' for the first slams. This guy won
Greyson took it to new heights. Extra points for the beni
Dylan Witkin went full tweaker
Look familiar? Kanaan Dern made his return of the oh-so-viral Joker
Always good to have a doctor in the house. Buc-ee knows
Our guy Rhino made it out
Hell in a Cell?! Nah, Mankind's flyin' through Hell on a hill. No sign of slams slowing down
You know just a kicker isn’t enough. Time to bring out the well
No flat ledge?! Nikolai showed up, full Croat without a board in sight
Greyson made first contact
You know the Joker and Batman have a few for this one
Straight to front lip with a first-run Dern Zero board
Got his own back with a crook to seal the deal
Dylan, well above the well
Batman is famously over crooks
The reward for a trying to rip sans costume
Liam "Rhino" Pace earns his 'crete budget with a swift nosegrind
Didn't catch that graphic last time? No stress, the Joker shows it off again with a big ol' noseslide
And if three moves weren't enough, the Hellbomb MVP got the 180 fakie 50 for good measure
If this isn’t the poster for the next Batman movie, then I say we boycott
Big ups from Lennie Kravitz. Hope those seams got double stitches today
Greyson took it to new levels with the kickflip heard 'round the world
Look at that back foot, bro!
You know King Bobby Bils barred that one
Harry came out of his cupboard for this one
Monster Matt cracked open a cold one to keep the speed going
The hillside filled up quickly
Next up, the bloody flatbar of death
Thanks to Keen Ramps, this thing wasn’t going anywhere
As soon as the sack jam was attached, Josh Douglas broke the ice with a full speed back Smith
Not as easy as it look, eh?
Except for Dylan Witkin, mach ten feeble grind
Christian Henry got his back
Kirby ain't dodgin' shit. Full-speed blunt off the kink
The Joker went frontside on a Smith
Max danger factor on the front lip
Sent straight into the crowd. Speaking of crowd...
You better sit this one out, buddy
Wolftraproad and Gusbus came correct
ZZ Topless...
While some went with the easy classics. C'mon, who doesn’t love Shrek?
Shawn Hale, brought the aggro belt buckle
Media squad, Kaylanne Diaz and STEAK
Meanwhile, spectators turned the viewing hill into their own Hellbomb
"It's called HILL bomb!" I’ve got a soft spot for meme costumes
And yes, it's always a dog-friendly affair
From cowboys to cool kids, Pat Do and Sammy Spits from Vans had it all covered
Next up, the bump to stairs. This oughtta be a mellow finalé...
Very much so a kid-friendly obstacle
The rail of death might change some of my earlier assumptions
Cheering section demanded slams
While Cold and Kirby wanted no part of it
Just kidding, Kirby got there
While Batman put his trucks on it like it was nothing
The Joker got his back with a gap to crook
Witkin went the noseblunt route
Kirby even frontside flipped over the whole fucking thing
That's the look when you see Kirby roll away from that shit bolts
Sebo paid the slam toll
But you can’t beat a nollie backside flip going blind into a pit of people
This guy can't deny the fans!
Once we made it a gap, it was the Joker's time to shine. Noseblunt, right off the bat
Gap to K, little bit farther now
Josh Douglas handled the gap nosegrind
We made the gap fucked-up big, but the Joker still handled the 5-0 easy
The crowd went wild!
And while many tried stepping up the gap, it was mostly all slams. This one being extra sharp
The light mighta been fading, but the fire wasn't
We still had time to extend the gap so far that it didn’t look possible. Until Kanaan stepped up with the craziest gap 50 a contest has seen in years
The arsonists made it fucked-up hard for anyone to step to this thing in the dark. We might've lost a few eyebrows, too
And finally, Greyson gapped over the whole thing in the pitch black. That's probably a good place to end things
Do we have big check?! I think it goes without saying
A worthy leaderboard. Congrats, boys!
But first place has gotta go to the Joker. A well-deserved W accompanied by a satanic sum of cash and a custom board for the trophy
And just like that, another Halloween Hellbomb is in the books. Thank you to everyone for coming out, and most importantly Monster, Vans, Dickies and Keen Ramps for making it all possible. Watch the video, get stoked and stay tuned for what happens next year
Photos by Bailey Schreiner and Alex Papke

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