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Epic Shots

We dug into the crypt and found a new batch of gems for you. No rhyme or reason, other than epic shots from back in the day of Cab, Julien, Agnew, and TA.

Posted: May 11th, 2007

Epic Shots
Steve Cab, corner air at the Jew bowl in SJ way back in 1983. Tracker copers on red tile… Ooooh! Photo: Mofo

Epic Shots

Venice loc Dennis “Polar Bear” Agnew stalls a straight arm handplant over some mini maxi vert. Photo: Mofo

Epic Shots

Julien Stranger edges into a bank in LA in '87. Kids are kids, bro! Photo: Ogden

Epic Shots

Tony Muthafuckn' Alva, backside air at Doris pool in '83. The coping was like four-inches deep. This is the same pool that Hackett's snapback t-shirt is from. Photo: Mofo

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