David Gravette's Top 3's
David Gravette's Top 3's
by Schmitty
Candidates for SOTY 2008?
Devin Appelo, Taylor Bingaman, and Silent Mike, currently known as Sleegs.
Places you want to go?
Nebraska, South Africa, Hell.
Creature dudes to travel with?
I cant pick three.
Photo: Hammeke
Skaters not on Creature?
Vince Devalle.
Issaquah, Tigard—I’ve had some times at Skate Barn, too.
Worst nicknames you’ve been given?
Those don't really bother me. Josh Perkins calls me Gershwiggler.
Gnarliest rails you've skated?
Issaquah rail kills all!
Crooked grind. Photo: Hammeke
Top three things about smoking weed?
It's something I’m truly interested in. Since I spend most of my time hurt, watching people skate, I’d lose my mind if it wasn’t for weed. Smoking a spliff and blasting some jams makes me want to skate more than anything else.
Ways to piss off Hammeke?
Prove him wrong. Complain… Hammeke loves to complain about me complaining. Stab him in the face with a sword.
Navarrette quotes?
"Did I say 33? I meant 24." "Kid, let me borrow $300; I’ll pay you back as soon as we get to the airport in the states.” (Two years ago—still owes me $200). "This ain't the Navy. We'll leave somebody behind."
Flip tricks?
Pressure, casper, banana.
Photo: Hammeke
Breakfast items?
Breakfast sandwich homemade—nothing else.
Things to have a meltdown over?
A shitty filter that causes me to fuck up twisting. No ketchup with breakfast sandwiches; that means you, "Starbuck’s." Eating shit on basically nothing.
Things being pro will do for your life?
More responsibility, bigger bank account, probably my own video game and TV show.
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