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Burnout: True Grit

Like a bunch of fuckin' tourists.

Burnout: True Grit
Just putting off the inevitable - a trip back to Five Docks.

Burnout: True Grit
'I don't wanna go first ... You go first!'

Burnout: True Grit
If this thing was a road, you'd pick your board up and walk. That's how rough it is.

Burnout: True Grit

Burnout: True Grit
Comedically rough.

Burnout: True Grit
Nothing a little GT slashback can't handle though.

Burnout: True Grit
Serious crunch.

Burnout: True Grit
Kickflip the roof gap.

Burnout: True Grit
And then, without saying anything to anybody, Grant ollied over the channel into the corner, from the deck.

Q: Was that scary?

A: Fuck yeah!

Burnout: True Grit
Then it was Raven's turn to put those stubs in motion.

Burnout: True Grit
In the end, victorious. Really victorious.

Burnout: True Grit
His trick was so good they had a fireworks show for him.

Burnout: True Grit
Nice gesture.