Burnout: Raven Rules
Warm up day.
That is, if your idea of a warm-up is a padless corner ollie.
Sam Beckett, from the UK.
Miller, padded up.
Raven's been working on his table-topped backside airs.
Mathias - all the egg variations.
Not in the comp, but still in the air.
Pedro, in the power corner.
A cautionary tale for not looking through the viewfinder, but I kind of like it.
On to the ring of fire. SOTYs, everywhere.
Lil' stale, not bad.
Kickflip. Cole is the king of good sports.
You know Grant likes fire.
Meanwhile, in the cradle, Beckett gets into it.
Then shit got weird.
Contest day, Miller lofts lakadasically.
Langi steps up ...
and off.
Everyone keeps pointing out the cradle to Miller.
As if he'd missed it.
Ollie grind.
Big-Air Pedro.
Breaking down the finer points for the street dogs.
No, take your time. Really.
First up - the wee-bowl comp.
Stratt-O caffeinates the children.
Spokesmodels, ready.
Lensmen, ready.
And begin. Miller seemed stymied by the bowl's smaller dimensions.
Raven went straight to work. Feeble the seat.
Taylor Bingaman.
Scando legend - Nicky Guerrero.
Rune had no problems blasting.
Grant - hip mastery.
Choppy O!
Finally, the main event.
Rune skies it - injured knee, deep in administrative duties, blasting nevertheless.
Oop cab 5-0.
Totally missed Pedro's cradle attack. Check the vid.
Body jar.
And then just as things were getting good, a driving rain.
Look! A rainbow!
Glimpses of Penny.
Dutchmen, everywhere.
These dudes would decide the winner.
Game on.
The Manwich on the hip.
Taylor has an oop frontside invert.

Indy 540 attempt. Next time.
Many were puzzled by Alex's 4th place finish - what with those NBD cradle moves and face-high indy 360s. Fuck it, dude.
Miller, preparing for blast-off.
Fuckin' A.
Raven, high speed oop 5-0. Once he got the fakie ollie corner nosegrind he had it in the bag.
Totally going for it.
Runes tosses the obligatory 540 attempts for the crowd. No dice, but a great showing.
Waiting for results. The anticipation was maddening.
Yep. Raven rules. Thanks, Copenhagen.
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