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Burnout: Random Rad

Random radical that, for whatever dumb reason, hasn't made it into the mag.

Burnout: Random Rad
Neen Williams with the mega slider in Pedro. Yeah, Neen.

Burnout: Random Rad
Speaking of Pedro, Channel Street's Robby O'Connell gets out from under the bridge long enough to carve grind the shallow steps in Skreech Country.

Burnout: Random Rad
Another view of Hatchell's foolhardy McTwistery.

Burnout: Random Rad
Shake Junt's Pat Pasquale presses hard to hold a curved nose slider.

Burnout: Random Rad
Meanwhile, across town, TNT blasts grasser over the fence.

Burnout: Random Rad
In San Jose he's known as El Diablo. Daryl Angel grinds hell of bars.

Burnout: Random Rad
Powell's Aldrin Garcia backlipped the fuck out of this bar, but I happen to know he shot a way gnarlier one with Rhino.

Burnout: Random Rad
Casual warm-up 50 from Figgy. He's got an interview next mag.

Burnout: Random Rad
Side angle of Nick's 180 down the Leap of Boo Johnson.

Burnout: Random Rad
Rob Strasser follows the Austin Stephens School of Smooth and smokes 180 nosegrinds with a hometown charm.

Burnout: Random Rad
Daniel Lutheran is everywhere. 180s ... whatever it takes, he's all over it.

Burnout: Random Rad
Leo tucks frontside slider to fakie. It was a race to shoot the photo except I didn't know it was a race at first. Excuses, excuses.