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Burnout: No Way!

Braved the holiday traffic for a chance to see this thing. BBQ warm-up at Doughnut's. 


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New roommate – D Dollin! Is that plant real?


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It's finally over Lovell


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Berle barely survived this thing. Boot scootin' into the deadline


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K Walks cracks a well-deserved one. Jeezzus!


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Game recognize game – tha 'Nut and MC


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Low carb don't gotta mean low fun. Nay sayn?


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Gettin' sparked


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Ok, now we're ready


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Armed with the media, filmmakers Ryan Lovell and Cody Green at the marquee


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Hart man and drink bands for days


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Fresh off his No Cash joint, Windsor was there spreading the hype


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Rick and Ronnie? What are you guys doing here???!


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Past the velvet rope, 'Boarder Mag survivors, everywhere


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If Carroll's holding a grudge about Meza moving to Vice, it didn't show


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With the boss even? Wait. Is it him??!


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War stories with Berle and Dill.


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'Dude! I'm just saying you don't look 40 …'


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New guard Ant Travis and Jack Olson


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Matt B helps balance out RoZo's tumbler. Happy T-Giving boys!


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KOTR alumn Ryan Lee holding court with a courtesy cup. 


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Mez and Clive's bangs. Approved


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Ain't no table like Big Ern's table!


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No, you're number 1


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B and Blake, the bread in a Rodent-wich


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Meanwhile, behind the 4th wall setting up the video. 


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Waiting. So. Patiently. 


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'Do you know where a Radio Shack is around here?'


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Show time!


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Totally mesmerizing. Seriously, y'all are gonna trip.


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After that – hugs, high fives and shit started getting fuzzy. GH congratulates his mentees. Really great work, boys!


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The blessings of SOTY '94 don't hurt either. 


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Toast that shit! 2016 is almost over, thank God! Congrats Kyle, Eli, Cody and Lovell! Working with you guys is almost like not working at all it's so goddamn fun!