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Burnout: Kanights

Bryce Kanights was a pro skater and Thrasher photographer during the fantastic, transformative 80s and early 90s. Eswic threw him a little photo show last night in Long Beach.

Burnout: Kanights
These fools need to get out from in front of the QP.

Burnout: Kanights
Heavy memories, lining the walls.

Burnout: Kanights
But, of course, you can't get the kids away from those electronic doohickeys.

Burnout: Kanights
Dude leans in for 720 support.

Burnout: Kanights
Chatman, localizing, turquise-wise.

Burnout: Kanights
Diggler, soaking it in.

Burnout: Kanights
'I don't know what any of this old stuff is, but I'm down!'

Burnout: Kanights
Mountain, appeasing the nicely-jacketed fans.

Burnout: Kanights
A tear for Grosso, stricken with lumbar drama. GWS Jeff.

Burnout: Kanights
Reda, posted up with a little-seen Harold gem.

Burnout: Kanights
Josh Love of Hall of Meat fame with natty Sky.

Burnout: Kanights
The legends seap in.

Burnout: Kanights
Eddie, Taters and Holmes - they were THERE!

Burnout: Kanights
Speaking of legends ...

Burnout: Kanights
Yerrrr ...

Burnout: Kanights

Burnout: Kanights
'Here. Look at this gross thing.'

Burnout: Kanights
Waters, Blender inspection.

Burnout: Kanights
The strong arm of the industry.

Burnout: Kanights
And then a yo-yo demo.

Burnout: Kanights
Burnout: Kanights

Burnout: Kanights
Burnout: Kanights
Beard off with WBD and Hermdog.

Burnout: Kanights
There he is! Nice one, BK!

Burnout: Kanights
Askew and Rogers, picking faves.

Burnout: Kanights
Look out!

Burnout: Kanights
'But how fast can you go downhill ....'

Burnout: Kanights
Jimmy with hair mentor, Jim Gray. If those tresses could talk!

Burnout: Kanights
Some of the fine specimens ...

Burnout: Kanights

Burnout: Kanights
Way back!

Burnout: Kanights

Burnout: Kanights
Someday, Rob.

Burnout: Kanights
So many sick ones.

Burnout: Kanights
Isn't skateboarding great?! Thanks BK! You too, Paul!