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Burnout: Jah's Jam

What do you get the skateboarding millionaire who has everything? How about his own shoe?! Nike celebrated Nyjah’s new kicks with a good ol’ fashioned skate jam at his private park. Now when’s that video coming out?

burnout jahs jam 01 750pxCrowd assembling. Hell yeah, there were tacos

burnout jahs jam 02 750px
burnout jahs jam 03 750pxWhat the kids are into

burnout jahs jam 04 750pxNew Element dude Brownie with the latest Nyjah sled

burnout jahs jam 05 750px‘Koston is WHERE?!!’

burnout jahs jam 06 750pxIt’s no Eastern Vert, but not bad …

burnout jahs jam 07 750pxBehind the scenes

burnout jahs jam 08 750pxMotorcycles, everywhere

burnout jahs jam 09 750pxDeep, deep behind the scenes… what?!!

burnout jahs jam 10 750pxSinner! What, you think this place held itself down?!

burnout jahs jam 11 750pxYep

burnout jahs jam 12 750pxWhite on white

burnout jahs jam 13 750pxEverything you’d need back here

burnout jahs jam 14 750px
burnout jahs jam 15 750pxEven a spare. You’d look good in there, Burman

burnout jahs jam 16 750pxFinally, the master of the house!

burnout jahs jam 17 750pxR&D is still working on the laces

burnout jahs jam 18 750pxOtherwise, mad solid

burnout jahs jam 19 750pxThrasher Exclusive: Inside Jah’s trunk!

burnout jahs jam 20 750pxLater, on the course …

burnout jahs jam 21 750pxIt’s always a good skate jam strategy to find the kids who can catch air and shoot them first

burnout jahs jam 22 750pxBut when Sinner starts sending it, gotta be ready

burnout jahs jam 23 750pxHe’ll get there

burnout jahs jam 24 750pxBoom!

burnout jahs jam 25 750pxFollowing up with the ill backside nollie flip!

burnout jahs jam 26 750pxSwoosh brought in the bros from the big shops. Baltimore’s Gary Smith, switch pop shove, not missing a beat

burnout jahs jam 27 750pxGuy arrived!

burnout jahs jam 28 750pxKeegan shows him what’s up

burnout jahs jam 29 750pxHere we go…

burnout jahs jam 30 750pxAin’t it great that all the new kids can scrape backside airs?

burnout jahs jam 31 750pxHigh Guy. Wow!

burnout jahs jam 32 750pxTo fakie

burnout jahs jam 33 750pxGood ol’ fly up

burnout jahs jam 34 750pxMarcos takes it ollie-oop

burnout jahs jam 35 750pxStraight outta the Skate Zone!

burnout jahs jam 36 750px‘Are you Eric Ricks?’

burnout jahs jam 37 750pxIceplant wall walk. Guy was on one

burnout jahs jam 38 750pxAnd the kickflip

burnout jahs jam 39 750pxManagement, post tacos

burnout jahs jam 40 750pxQuick impossible-off between T-Bone and Montessi

burnout jahs jam 41 750pxCan’t fade the wrap!

burnout jahs jam 42 750pxAdvantage Florida!

burnout jahs jam 43 750pxStill bros tho

burnout jahs jam 44 750pxTyrone takes it to the big shit

burnout jahs jam 45 750pxSinner back on it

burnout jahs jam 46 750pxSliding away

burnout jahs jam 47 750pxMontoya, heck yeah he does rails

burnout jahs jam 48 750pxYou’d wear a helmet too if you felt how waxy everything in there was

burnout jahs jam 49 750pxA best-trick vibe emerged

burnout jahs jam 50 750pxShut down by the patented nollie hard! G’damn right he’s still got it

burnout jahs jam 51 750pxGary flexes that Charm City tech. Noseblunt nollie heel

burnout jahs jam 52 750pxKFFSCG. Wow!

burnout jahs jam 53 750pxKFBSS!

burnout jahs jam 54 750pxAnd then Yuto rolled through with the SSFSH. Sheesh!

burnout jahs jam 55 750pxTime to hit the beer tent

burnout jahs jam 56 750pxGuy and Carlos trip on the interview. I know, right?!

burnout jahs jam 57 750pxGot the buddy’s shot by the taco truck

burnout jahs jam 58 750pxCouple a ledges

burnout jahs jam 59 750pxCongrats on the shoe, ‘Jah! Hope you sell a mint! ––– Speaking of, I am proud to be offering an autographed pair of first-run Nike Nyjah Huston’s complete with premium collector’s box and little blanket. Will trade for any G&S-era Chris Miller board or a Leica M10. Hit me on the DM!
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