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Burnout: Hot Shoes

Vans Syndicate, the cutting-edge fashion arm of the Off the Wall group had a big show to ring in their 10 Years cobbling on the edge last friday – good reason as any to brave some So-Cal traffic!
IMG 2451Rememer: you're not stuck in traffic ... you're simply relaxing in your car

IMG 2450Great excuse to take your house-bound bro out for a lil' B&B! Don't worry. He'll be back grinding up them shits in no time!

IMG 2448Table for three with Fresno's Finest! 

IMG 2452Back behind the wheel. Getting closer to the big time. 

IMG 2453On the street outside Arto's ... a chance encounter with East Coast street stylist Greg Harris! Don't get your hopes up. That's my board. Anyways, Greg's got his hands full these days. 

DSC 7099Behind the hedge – here we go ...

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Russell and the good fool James popped by.

DSC 7106Emag puts that Protec in motion!

DSC 7123Summer of '79, revisited. 
DSC 7125'That IS a nice helmet ...'

DSC 7124'Thank ya ...'

DSC 7129Buddy zipped in.

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DSC 7147Crail the light?!! Gotta be the socks!

DSC 7170Then Arto tapped into the thrills of the crap tap! Nice one!

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Good a time as any to start tippin' 'em! Thanks for the sesh, Arto!

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Later ... I guess we're at the right place. 

DSC 7194We're in!

DSC 7174Dressen's Syndicate is waterproof.

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Loads of killer shit.

DSC 7187Support our troops – in style!

DSC 7188'Bout to say. Ain't this Ice T's shit?

DSC 7190The perfed-out Strangers. Think he still goes sockless?

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Don't tell Billy Marks but they made Rad Racing shoes, too.

DSC 7192Tommy G had a shoe. Lots of good ones over the years. 

DSC 7196When bros attack! Emag reunited with Vans' Luciano Mor, formerly of the Boulder Dicks. 

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Lance Mountain drew that, you know. 

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Your Blender doodle tattoo here. Tennis was fun. 

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Chill! Q&A with the artists!

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The press had a GD field day.

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Dill's not over it ... he's thinking. 

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A first-rate public speaker, all told. 

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Syndicate heavies – Rian Pozzebon, Tet from Wtaps, Shawn Stussy and Tom Cooke. Nice. 

DSC 7230Wrong mag, bro!

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His master's voice. 

DSC 7235Then the skaters showed up ....

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Why I shoulda gone to art school part 1. 

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'Is that it? Did we get it?'

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GH with the birthday boy. SOTY gets announced after December 3rd, FYI. 

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Shimizu and Strubing – tight bros from way back. 

DSC 7244The correct Gio!

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Joint started filling up. 

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The view from the skybox. Really classy event! Thanks Kathy!

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Minutes down Fairfax – Nugget gets his pro Primitive board accompanied by tasteful softcore pornography. 

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DSC 7259Congrats Shane! Can't wait for this video! 

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Sunday morning. Back on the streets. 

IMG 2457Quick meet up with The Butcher! I had four years worth of his Ricta wheels boxes piling up at my house. Chop chop!

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Picked up by the Skate Tank. Don't get much more convenient than that. 

DSC 7262Like I never left. 

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Those Anatomys are harder to get than you'd think. 

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Neck was hyping up a hill bomb the night before.

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'He expects somebody to go down that thing?'

IMG 2459Only a few cracks. 

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May have to chalk this one up as impossible. 

DSC 7608Not to worry, Doug has spots for days. 

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Gone but not forgotten, Gabbers. 

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Familiar ground. 

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Well look who's here!

Dolphin Flip 2You probably already seen Angel Munoz's double dolphin board skid on the phone, but it was a trip to see him bust it live. Keep killin' it Angel!

DSC 7713Just imagine how Spawn got into this position. 

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Then the cops kicked us out (not shown.)

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Need a co-pilot?

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Kind of a warm day for a lap dog but fuck it. 

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This thing. 

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Moments later!

DSC 7903Funny how things work out, right?

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Haha! Yes!

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The good homie keeps the hype going. 

DSC 7919Everybody's a winner. 

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IMG 2462Last spot of the day. 

2222TK loves it!

IMG 2466And that's a wrap. 

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DSC 7928Nice little weekend. Thanks everybody!