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Burnout: Hendrix High

Met up with the Volcom bros in Seattle for the second half of their VBJ tour.

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High
Straight to the only street spot I knew of, the high school Jimi Hendrix attended.


Burnout: Hendrix High
Major real estate.

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High
Spawn got sparky but ultimately crumpled.

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High
Our session was then interrupted by some horrible human beings. Good luck in prison, fellas!

Burnout: Hendrix High
Suski scouts an alternate route.

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High
Thought Louie wasn't bloggin'?

Burnout: Hendrix High
The newsworthiness of David's chicken addiction is undeniable.

Burnout: Hendrix High
At least he always shares.

Burnout: Hendrix High

Burnout: Hendrix High
Looks like someone could use a piece of chicken .....