Burnout: Forever and Ever
HUF hosted an LA premiere under the stars for their first full-length video Forever. Keith would be very proud
It was a bring-your-own-chair event. Frank and Pink, armed and ready
End of the line
Chair review ––a couple proper beach seats … nice
Tim with the camping buttahs
While Christian went towel ––which they handed out hundreds of
The stars arrive! Nick Matthews, shaken but not stirred after a harrowing freeway mash-up!
Cody Green with the compact filming seat and the cracked-pepper joints! Proper!
You don’t need a chair when you’ve got someone you love …
Jaden brought the damn sofa cushions!
This crew can rest on their years of experience! Or a towel. Like I said, they had free towels
Limo fans … everywhere!
Clawed up with the backpack chair, very smart
The event was pet friendly. EXTREMELY friendly in some cases
Made it in! Beautiful!
Producer Tyler Cichy and filmmaker Tyler Smolinski. Heavy is the fuckin’ head, am I right?
Mason made it! Waiting on knucks from … somebody
Kirby can hook that up
Rose Street Boyz
Let’s do some blanket checks …. Powell crew!
Weenie dog moms and dads
Yeah, don’t get up … it’s cool
Comfy AF
Ready for action
Hell yeah they had snacks!
I miss the Muska, too
That Trinket flick tho!
‘Nah, babe. You get the tall chair’
Two times, if you know ‘em
Too much fun with these guys
HUF …. Is for lovers
Mason’s dad, always fueling up for some athletic endeavor
Andrea Vivanco and Mike again
Yes, fam!
Are you guys related??
Loving that APB shirt. Stay up, Hawaii
Beard and bearder!
Wide open spaces
First time I’ve seen that!
Blake and co. Glad you survived!
Those mountains better be blue for Rizzo. Congrats, Dick!
‘And then I was like boneless up and UGHHH!!!!’
Logos out! Congrats to you, too, Brad!
A few real ones
Those chairs got side tables and shit?!
'You’ll always be my high score, babe …'
Capturing the excitement of the evening with this bunch
Lots of good shit going on in this one, too!
And the tightest ship award goes to ….
Finally found my guys. Kirby, you’re in my chair
‘So check it … it’s like Crail Couch … but in a ROW BOAT!'
Back again! Another heater, Mae-Mae!
Is there gonna be skateboarding or not???
Wait, something’s happening over there …
Very sweet speech by Keith’s children Keenan and Coco. “You miss my dad, but not as much as we do.”
Very nice work, everyone Photo: Marco Hernandez
And on with the show…
And Forever from there

Burnout: Best Year Ever-2009
Here's a wrap up of 2009 from Burnout. -
Burnout: Awash
Here's the final chapter on Burnout's trip to Houston with the Habitat crew. Make sure to watch the video at the end—tight. -
Burnout: Spine Time
Burnout has a little spine time with the 2008 SOTY on the second-to-last day of his reign. -
Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.