Brooklyn Banks: A Retrospective

Right: Wallflowers Coco Santiago and Rod Smith Photo: Thomas

By the mid ’80s, Downtown Manhattan and The Brooklyn Banks were crawling with skaters and derelicts. I can tell you from personal experience it was a killer scene to be a part of! —Rodney Smith

My first and favorite memory of the spot was secretly following Harry Jumonji and Ian Frahm from Soho Skates to The Banks. Before that I didn’t even know they existed. I kept about a block back and lost them as they bombed down the hill on Park Row. They had made the sharp right into The Banks area which I saw for the first time as I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. I remember turning my head to the right and seeing Harry do one of those two-wheeled freestyle carves on the edges of his wheels on The Banks. That moment is forever ingrained in my mind and was my introduction to The Banks. My second favorite memory is any session when the Gonz rolled up! —Steve Rodriguez

Right: Harry Jumonji, freaky two-wheel styley Photo: Thomas
We were skating from the small banks to the big banks and out of nowhere Natas hops up the curb to skate with us. He did a demo in Long Island the day before but it was a pleasant surprise to see him unexpectedly. Natas, he was so big then, we all loved him. —Gino Iannucci

Center: Jeff Pang. Feb, 1993
Right: Chad Muska. Oct, 1995
My favorite story has got to be assisting Stacy Peralta, Craig Stecyk III and Mike Vallely at The Banks on a filming session for Public Domain. Mike and I skated The Banks and Stacy and Craig filmed and directed. Mike, as always, shredded with a vengeance and it was fucking hot that day. Before the video hit the shelves, Mike told me that there was a cameo section of me. Though I was forever not the skater trying to throw my face in front of a photographer, I can’t lie—I was stoked for that hook up! —Rodney Smith

Right: Leo Fitzpatrick, early-90s gold! Photo: Stones
That contest in 1993 was insane. Watching Harold Hunter win $1,000—that was a lot of money in those days! He did a backside heelflip over the wall in a Jersey Devils hockey jersey. They killed a rat! That was a big thing. It was a wild day. —Quim Cardona

PROTECT YA NECKThe wildest thing I ever saw at The Banks was during one of those epic contest weekends. It seemed like there were 1,000 skaters at this particular contest and no air to breathe in sight. All of a sudden this scrappy dude walked right up the middle of the action during someone’s contest run. Needless to say, the heckling started. The scrappy dude stopped and started yelling shit at the skaters and as we know when skaters are grouped together and doing their thing, interruptions are not welcome. Within seconds, 20 skaters rushed this dude and suddenly he pulled out a gun, pointed it at everyone while moving in a circle and waving the gun from side to side yelling, “What y’all gonna do?!” I’ve never in my life witnessed a crowd of people flee a scene like that! Practically every person there ran and skated away for their lives. I didn’t run. I just sat on The Banks wall. I “shit a brick” for a moment, didn’t move, nor did I look directly at the dude and he eventually ran off adding no casualties to his list. —Rodney Smith

My first session there as a teenager was with Steve Rodriguez who warned me about board jackers. “Don’t worry about getting jacked; just don’t stop skating.” Sure enough I witnessed someone’s board getting snatched and a fight between two brothers who skated. Maurice Key’s famous line on Rose Street where he almost gets run over by a car is probably the wildest thing I ever filmed there. —RB Umali

Right: Babes at the Banks? It happened Photo: Wallacavage

BEST OF THE BESTI had attempted to ollie the fence a day or two before and almost impaled myself. I went back to my parents’ home in New Jersey and had nightmares about it. But I woke up resolved to do it; I just believed it had to happen and that I had to do it. I called Reda and told him to meet me there. They built that fence to stop us from skating the banks, from launching into the street, but I felt that I, that skateboarding had gotten the last word, that the chapter was closed properly. Soon after that, the upper banks were made completely unskatable. —Mike Vallely

I was skating with Jamie Thomas the day he filmed that epic marathon line in the Zero video. He was skating the rail and he kinda pushed me to grind it, too. Dimitry got the picture. He just showed up and we were sessioning the rail together. Then, right after I grinded it, he delivered the craziest line that nobody will ever match! People still talk about it to this day. —Quim Cardona
Danny Way nosesliding the rail riding away with a snapped tail. Me and Kareem having a good session filming for Trilogy, that stands out, too. —Gino Iannucci

The hardest ripping skaters at The Banks? Damn! There are so many to mention, yet I’ll give it a go. In my mind the top would likely have to be Christian Hosoi, the Gonz, Mike V, Huf, Keenan Milton, Chris Reily, every rider on the Shut Skates and Zoo York teams, Kyle James (in Timberland boots), Jeremy Henderson, Harry Jumonji, Ian Frahm and Pepe Torres, just to name a few. —Rodney Smith
The first time I saw Jason Lee, I went to The Banks by myself and he was there with two other people. The ad with him doing a tré flip had just come out. At that time people couldn’t fathom doing that trick, but Jason pushed as fast as he could on the uphill to hit the hip of the little banks and blasted one of the biggest tré flips I’ve ever seen—first try! When I saw this firsthand, it was life-changing. —Jeff Pang
Kyle James could do any trick on the bank wearing Timberland boots while riding anyone’s board. So many people have killed The Banks over the years, but no one did it like Kyle James! —Rodney Torres

There were so many eras, but to me no one skated The Banks better than Harry Jumonji in the mid ’80s. His style was insane and his pop was second to none. Other standouts at that time that I witnessed were Chris Reily, Harold Hunter, Bruno Musso and Jeremy Henderson. From the ’90s era I’d say the Cardona brothers (RIP Mike)—they skated everything at The Banks and made it look so easy. Kyle James, Jamal Simmons, Huf, Mike Kepper and Ivan Perez were other bank destroyers. —Steve Rodriguez

Right: The Ghost of Old New York (and Joey Alvarez). Switch flip Photo: Elyaskevich
The wildest thing I ever saw was Ben Kadow doing the handrail first try, no warm up. And Hosoi ollieing the wall in Insane Terrain, but I wasn’t there. —Mark Gonzales
When it comes to the best, Huf, Quim, Jefferson Pang, Loki, Ryan Hickey and Kyle James are the first names that come to mind. Quim’s nollie varial flip and Javier Nunez’ switch flip over the wall are my favorite standout tricks. —RB Umali

Right: Mike Cardona, RIP Photo: Reda

Most memorable session was after the Skate NYC contest. Mike Ternasky, Brian Tucci and Brian Lotti followed us to The Banks and we skated with those guys. Tuccis’ footage in Hokus Pokus was from that day —Matt Bell
If I have to pick just one person I would say Keith Hufnagel skated The Banks the best. He hit parts of the banks no one hit, always had epic footage and photos there and he grew up in the city. Also Jeff Pang—can’t leave him out. Then you had later generations come and crush the place like Wenning and of course Zered. Some standout tricks to me would be a photo I’ve seen of Steve Olson carving the small banks looking all stylish and epic probably from 1981, Mike V ollieing the fence, Jaime Reyes front boarding the rail and Rob Welsh switch 360 flipping the wall. But maybe I’m biased since I shot them. Ishod at Back to the Banks just doing so many tricks over the rail next to the big banks was epic! —Giovanni Reda

THE END? To lose the The Banks would be to lose the heart of NY skateboarding. Everything else besides the fountain in Flushing and the Con Ed banks are gone! And this was THE meet up spot for so long, the culture and history that came out of it shaped East Coast skateboarding to what it is today! —Steve Rodriguez

As a parent now, I would want to bring my son to The Banks when he gets older and say, “Look, we skated at this place. This is where my best times were in life.” You want to keep that going for the new generation of kids. We don’t want to see that spot gone, and then they build another fucking skatepark. —Javier Nunez

Dr. Z, switch crooks into the future, 2009 Photo: Reda
The loss of The Banks would spell another strike out for the skateboard community. There have been two outlaw skaters who have gone up against the establishments of New York city government in the defense of skateboarding, and those two are Andy Kessler (RIP) and Steve Rodriguez. For Steve, I think, the longtime fight to save The Brooklyn Banks has been his toughest battle and it isn’t over yet. Let’s support from afar and support in person if possible to make something happen. —Rodney Smith

The New York of old is now a gentrified Disney town but The Banks is still a dirty, grimy corner of the city that skateboarders could call their own. No smooth softball court can replace the significance of what The Banks have contributed to this city and the global skateboard community. The loss of The Banks would forever change what NYC skateboarding is. —Jeff Pang

Please sign the petition to SAVE THE BROOKLYN BANKS at Change.ORG
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