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Ass Shot Awareness Month

November is Ass Shot Awareness Month. You haven't heard?

Timing is everything in skate photography, but so is avoiding shots that consist mostly of your bro's floating backside. We get these types of images sent to Photograffiti by the dozens. They are a common and harmless mistake within amateur skate photography, but in the long-run Ass Shots really stink. Not every photo can perfectly capture the skater's face, the spot in its entirety, as well as a nice background. However, the guaranteed formula for an Ass Shot is when the skater's face (or back of his head) is rendered out of view and yet their backside is front and center, in all of its unappealing glory. There is usually a creative solution to not having a camera lens full of the dreaded man-ass, but it's up to you to figure out how to avoid it.

We would love to forgive and turn the other cheek on these crimes against skate photography, but the only way to learn is to stare deep into the abyss of Ichabod Crane—The Headless Ass Man.


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