Antwuan Dixon Interview
Dental diamonds, 2010.
Interview by Andrew Reynolds & Erik Ellington
Erik Ellington: Hey, Twuan. It’s me and Andrew on the line.
What’s up?!
Andrew Reynolds: I bet you’re excited to skate when you get out.
Hell yeah! Oh my God!
AR: I can’t wait! I’m gonna kidnap you and we’re going to be skating everyday!
Let’s do it! I’m ready to get back to how it was. I’ve been sitting here in this jail cell and I’ve had a long time to think, you know? The way my life was when I was skating everyday—that’s how I want my life to be. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I was doing, what I wasn’t doing and what needs to change.
AR: Yup. That’s amazing. I’m really happy to hear that!
Bail posted, pants zip tied. Tour 2008.
EE: Why are you in jail right now?
Why am I in jail? Ah, man, for violating a three-year joint suspension. They gave me three years. The original case was, some fool at 7-11 being racist, I socked him a couple times. Spit in his face and he’s still talking shit. Walking outside, boom, boom, boom. I bought what I was going to buy and go outside. Mind you, this dude had kids with him. He put his kids in the car. I’m a little faded or whatever, so I don’t give a fuck. He keeps talking shit so I grab my board and start breaking his windows of his car. And his kids are in the car so they gave me battery, five counts of battery, vandalism and child endangerment. So you know, I violated the probation I was offered in this case. I had a three-year joint suspension, which is why I’m here now.
EE: What is a joint suspension?
A joint suspension is, say like you did something and then they want to give you another chance. So they give you a joint suspension, meaning if I fuck up while on probation you’re going to get that three years—no questions asked—unless you get a nice D.A. or something. They could drop it. I could have gotten it dropped but the lady wasn’t trying to show me no love.
Wing drama, 2009.
Decisions, decisions, 2008.
AR: So you’re doing 18 months. Is that right?
Yeah, but I got a little credit, so by the time I get out of here I’ll be doing, like, 14 months.
EE: And when are you expected to get out?
They say, like, August the 23rd. Four or five days after my birthday. It’s crazy. I came here at 24, I’m leaving at 26. They say the 23rd, but I’ve been in this high-school-diploma program so I can get my high school diploma and you get milestone credits. And with these milestone credits you can earn six weeks, which means 42 days off. So if that goes through I should be getting out the beginning of July.
AR: Either one, it’s coming up.
EE: What’s it like in there? What’s your daily schedule?
Hah! Well, we wake up. We go to breakfast. We lay back down on the bed and wait for 6 o’clock count. And then they count everybody in the cells, ’cause people go to court, then they say the count is clear. That’s when I get up, work out, take a shower, make a cup of coffee, read the newspaper that’s on the table or if it’s my day to go to class I’ll go to class. Shit, come back. Chill. Watch some TV. Then, you know, lollygag around until it’s 3 o’clock. Three o’clock count comes and that clears around 4 o’clock and then by that time dinner be coming. Maybe work out again. Chill. Do some more homework. Then 8 o’clock count comes. Sit on the thing and that clears around 9 o’clock. Then you sit around for about an hour more. Watch TV. Ten o’clock it’s over with, except Fridays and Saturdays when you have a late night and get to stay up and keep the program on.
EE: Is there anything good about being in jail?
What can I say? The good thing about being in jail is you have a lot of time to sit and think. Like I said, you get to think about what you’re gonna do, what you didn’t do, what needs to change and what got you here. So, that’s probably the best part about it, know what I’m saying? All the shoulda, woulda, couldas, you get that, you know what I mean? It’s a pretty good experience if you’re willing to make a change while you’re here. If you’re wanting to come up in here, boom, boom, boom—gang banging and then go back out and be doing the same shit, it’s pretty much worthless.
MCing another tour stop, 2008.
Pressing the flesh at Sonic. 2008
Lil' Q& A for the fans, 2010.
EE: So you’ve had a lot of time to think about what you want to do when you get out?
I’ve had a lot of time to think about exactly what I want to do when I get out. What would have happened if you would have did this? A lot of shit pops back up in your head. It’s like your brain is rejuvenating in here, especially when you’ve been out there running’ amok for awhile, you know what I’m saying? And now you come up in here and you start to remember certain things.
EE: I can understand that. How are the GED classes coming?
Yeah, that’s where I came from right now. I just finished government, economics, history. And health? Yeah. I finished government, economics, history, algebra and health.
EE: You’re gonna be a scholar when you come out!
Man, I’m just trying to get it done. It’s healthy to occupy my time. Like I said, there ain’t really shit to do. Plus, like, I’m able to block out what’s going on around me and just zone in on what I’m doing. It’s pretty cool.
EE: That’s cool. I’m glad you’re doing that stuff in there. What’s the first thing you want to do when you get out?
The first thing I want to do is eat some real food!
Wilin' out in the wild. 2008.
EE: That’s a good answer.
The food in here is bullshit. The ol’ spreads in here you make—they might be good. They’re actually bomb at that moment, but all this shit is bullshit.
EE: What’s a typical meal in there?
I make what you call a manwich every day. Yeah! A manwich. You get a soup and you pour some hot water in there. Not too much, so it stays intact. Throw it on the bread. Put some seasoning in there. Whatever, whatever. Put chips on it, summer sausage, you know, whatever other condiments you’ve got. Spice it up a bit.
EE: What do they serve from the mess hall?
Oh God! Some bullshit! Like beef stroganoff or some shit. Peas, carrots. You might have some peaches one day. I’d say the best thing they serve you from the chow hall is either the burritos, bean and cheese burritos or a chicken patty. Then over here at the dorm you get a hot lunch on Wednesdays so we might get a fish sandwich or some shit, like Filet-O-Fish at McDonalds? Something like that. As far as the jail food: weak!
EE: What was your favorite time as a skater?
When I first got on Baker and me and Marcus went to the premiere, oh my God that was crazy! That was probably the best. Me and Marcus was skating around Hollywood and we went to the premiere and my part came on. I wasn’t sure how people was gonna feel about it. The song came on. When it ended everybody was hyped like, “Aaaaahhh!” I was like, “Oh my God!” Like, “What the fuck?” It was crazy! Everybody was coming up to me. It was like a dream come true, know what I’m saying? It was like a little kid’s dream ’cause you never thought you’d get to that point. When I first got exposed, like really
out there.
EE: People around LA knew who you were, but the world didn’t know who you were before that.
Yeah! That was an incredible day and then the other favorite time was when you and Andrew seen me in the tradeshow booth watchin’ the footage when you was trying to big spin the Carlsbad gap like, “Next Sunday, next Sunday.” And then you came up to me and was like, “Are you Antwuan Dixon?” I was like, “What the fuck? Yeah! That’s me!” That was the craziest shit. You’re like, “Come with me real quick.” I look back at my homie like, “Holy shit!”
One-footer warm up at Carlsbad gap, 2007?
The C-Bad nollie heel, way back when.
EE: I remember that day. What do you miss the most about not being able to skate?
Just rolling around and nollie heeling over shit or something. I don’t know. Just rolling around!
EE: Do you have any plans to return to your life as a pro skater?
Yes, I do!
EE: What was your proudest accomplishment as a skater?
Becoming a professional. I know, whatever happened happened. I fucked up. It is what it is. I can’t change what happened in the past. But I’m gonna get out and get my second chance at everything. All you can do is look forward to what’s gonna happen in the future. I’m pretty sure on getting back to that status.
EE: You know what to do and what not to do.
AR: What would you like your fans to know about you?
I’m a pretty cool dude. I’m not all crazy. I feel like there’s a lot of videos on the Internet where I’m all faded—that’s not really me. All that bullshit. If you know me, you already know I’m a pretty cool dude.
With the Oklahomies. On tour in 2008.
AR: You are! You are a pretty cool dude!
That’s what I’d like to tell them, I guess. Some people might think like, “Antwuan, he’s crazy! He’s a faggot! He’s a stupid piece of shit!” It’s like, “Fool, you don’t even know me! Say that to my face; I’ll beat you up ’cause you don’t know me!” I’ll admit it. I was out there drunk, acting like an asshole. You know? Sometimes that’s what happens when people get faded. Maybe I was one of those angry, mean drunks, you know?
EE: Have you thought about that in there? What you can be like when you drink?
Yeah! I just can’t be like that! Kinda like, when I come back this time I want to do new interviews on the Internet, whatever, whatever. Kind of like turning over a new leaf—showing people that wasn’t really me. Yeah, I went to the premiere and got faded. Can’t people make mistakes? That doesn’t really determine who a person really is. Yeah, turn the camera on and get some crazy footage maybe of him beating up somebody and this and this and this. He ain’t drinking to have fun; he’s drinking for this. Once I start getting faded, can’t nobody tell me nothin’. That’s not really the way I am. Hopefully, this time when I get out I can show people. Some people know me, but some people just go off what they see or hear without actually meeting me.
Bakersfield fans, 2010.
AR: You know, I’ve been sober—no drinking and no drugs—for ten years now and it’s the best decision I’ve made in my life! Everybody who drinks like we drink, it’s the same story over and over again. So when you get out, stay close to people who don’t drink. Me and Erik don’t do that. You gotta stick close to people who are doing positive things.
I’ve been talking to an OG dude up in here. I’ve been telling him a lot. He’s like, “You can chill with your homies, but maybe you should stay away from all that.” I’m a person—when I party I just go hard as fuck! It’s not healthy. I’ve been reading about all this cirrhosis of the liver! Fuck!
EE: It’s not good for much.
I’m young! I’m jumping over this. I’m jumping over stairs. Nuh-uh!
EE: We’ve got a good, tight crew when you get out.
Well, I’m looking forward to it!
Feeble at the Durham courthouse, 2009.
EE: I’m looking forward to it, too. By the time this little interview comes out your Deathwish tribute board will be out and you’ll be about to get out, too.
On to bigger and better things!
AR: That’s right!
EE: We look forward to seeing you!
And Andrew, I heard you’ve been posting pictures of me, posting pictures of my name on a hat; that’s cool! That’s what’s up! When my homies tell me that it means a lot.
Roomies, 2009.
With the Deathwish team, 2010.
AR: I just want good vibes out there for when you get out. I just want you to stay away from druggin’ and drinkin’. I just want you to do good. That shit kills people. For kids out there who look up to, you could save their life! You can. Trust me!
Yeah. Yeah. I’m looking forward to it. I just want to say thanks again. Thanks for putting out that board for me. I wasn’t even expecting nothing like that. That’s cool as fuck.
EE: Yeah, no problem. You’ll have a little money to get back on your feet. You’ll get out and everything will be good.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
EE: Okay, stay strong in there. Talk to you soon.
AR: See you later, Antwuan!
January 1989
Cover: Jay Adams – Grind Photo: Hudson Inside This Mag: Thrash-A-Thon in San Luis Obispo and what skateboarding is all about in 1989Also In This Issue: An overview of contests, demos and other skate-intrusions in '88, pool skating in Cambridge and some snowboarding actionMusic Articles: The Sugar Cubes, Igor's record collection, Suicidal Tendencies and Eek-A-Mouse -
Winter 1988
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